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How To Lure Cows In Different Ways In Lego Fortnite?

Before starting a farm, players must learn how to lure animals like cows and sheep in Lego Fortnite.

A farm full of animals ensures various items in the game like milk, meat, or wool, ensuring supplies.

To lure cows or sheep in Lego Fortnite, players must drop either Pumpkin or Raspberry as bait trails until they reach the village shed. Therefore, understanding some core luring mechanisms can help players achieve this goal quickly.

Continue reading this article to learn how to lure cows in Lego Fortnite.

Introduction To Luring In Lego Fortnite

Lego Fortnite mimics many real-life activities in the game from farming to even driving.

In fact, activities like these make the game more immersive as players can partake in many different activities.

Luring Cows
Players can lure Cows in Lego Fortnite.

Similarly, one such activity in the game is luring, which can help players start a farm.

In Lego Fortnite, players such as cows, sheep, and chickens can lure many animals into the game.

To lure an animal, players must use their favorite food item as bait to make them trail it.

Also, players should continue this process until they reach their destined sheds in the village.

Therefore, learning about different bait items can help players to boost the luring process.

Read more about the End Game and Blaster Mob in Lego Fortnite.

How To Lure Cows In Lego Fortnite?

Luring Cows is a pretty straightforward task as cows are common creatures on the map.

Hence, players only need to bait them with their favorite to make them follow them.

However, there are two different methods to lure Cows in Lego Fortnite which are:

1. Using More Resources

Starting a cow farm in Lego Fortnite ensures perpetual milk and meat food resources.

Hence, players must learn this method to lure many cows into their sheds quickly.

Here are different steps that players must follow to lure cows faster by using more resources:

  1. Firstly, players must have abundant Pumpkins or Raspberries in their inventory.
  2. Also, players can split them into different inventory slots to access them easily.
Splitting Pumpkins inventory slots lure Cows
Organizing Pumpkins in different slots to quickly lure cows.
  1. Then, they must create a trail of these baits from the cows’ location to the village.
  2. In doing so, cows will continue to eat these items as long as they see one.
  3. Finally, players must close the shed or the fence door once the cows are inside.

2. Using Less Resources

Alternatively, there is another way for players to lure cows without using many resources in Lego Fortnite.

However, it is a bit tricky than the above method as players must be quick with their hands.

Here is how players can lure cows by using less resources in the game:

  1. Firstly, players can start only with three Pumpkins or Raspberries in their inventory.
  2. Then, they must drop one on the ground to make a cow approach towards it.
  3. Additionally, allow the cow to start eating it for a short period.
Luring process for cows or sheep with less rources
Organizing Pumpkins in different slots to quickly lure cows.
  1. However, take away the bait item after the cow interacts with the food.
  2. Then, travel some distance and drop the Pumpkin again to make the cow follow it once more.
  3. Finally, repeat this process until the cow is locked inside the fences.

The Bottom Line

Luring animals such as cows or sheep adds an element of fun to the game as it allows players to start a farm.

Therefore, players should learn the luring mechanics to get them into their sheds effectively.

Read more about the Dry Valley and the Desert Seed in Lego Fortnite.
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