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Marco Polo And Concoct Meaning in Today’s NYT Connections #499


  • The meaning of Marco Polo in today’s NYT is a game where a player is blind folded and must search for other players in the game.
  • Concoct falls under the category Devise in today’s NYT Connections which means to create a story or plan.
  • BRAND-NAME, NASA SPACECRAFT, and GAMES WHERE YOU SAY THE GAME’S NAME are remaining categories of words in NYT Connections of 22 October.

The NYT Connections is a midnight game by The New York Times, having a large number of regular players.

There are 16 words in the puzzle that fit into four different categories, and they share something similar.

Like in previous days, today, NYT Connections also has a few confusing words like MARCO POLO and CONCOCT.

Meaning Of Concoct In Today’s NYT Connections With Hints And Solutions

In NYT Connections, the words are arranged in a 4 X 4 grid. You must arrange them accordingly into four different groups.

The puzzle indicates the difficulty of the game with colors, where Yellow indicates the easiest and Purple is the toughest.

Green and Blue are the mid-level difficult groups that are neither too difficult nor easy.

Although the first group is the easiest, sometimes the group might contain a few tricky words.

nyt connections
Arrange the words in 4 different categories.

In the first category, the words are straightforward as the group is indicated as the easiest in NYT Connections.

The group includes the word that refers to the branding term.

In the first category, BRAND-NAME, the words HIGH-END, LUXURY, and DESIGNER fit well along with HAUTE.

nyt first category
The first group is straightforward but consists of tricky words.

The next category, DEVISE, means to plan or invent something with careful thought. Although being the second category, the theme is a bit complicated.

The category includes one of our confusing words, CONCOCT, which means to create a story or plan.

Other words in the category are ENGINEER, HATCH, and MASTERMIND.

nyt second category
In the second category, the words relate to innovations.

Now, after the second group, we have come to halfway of the puzzle. We have 8 words and 2 categories remaining.

Hints And Solutions For NYT Connections 22 October With Marco Polo Meaning

In the third group, the words that indicate NASA’s Spacecraft, such as GALILEO, PIONEER, VIKING, and VOYAGER, are included.

The theme of the third category is NASA SPACECRFT.

nyt third category
Include the words indicating NASA’s spaceship.

Only four words remain now in the final category. You must select all of them and press submit to complete the game.

nyt fourth category
The final category is filled with the game where you say the game’s name.

The theme of the final category is GAMES, WHERE YOU SAY THE GAME’S NAME. It includes the words like BINGO, MARCO POLO, TAG, and UNO.

MARCO POLO is a game where a player who is blind folded must touch other players. During the game, the blindfolded player shouts MARCO, and the other remaining players shout POLO.

If you want to solve today’s NYT Connections without going through the details of each category, you may go through the summary below.


The NYT Connections offers only 4 attempts to complete the game. If you waste all the attempts, the game will reveal the answers.

    You can go through the guide and solve the puzzle if you wish to complete the puzzle in the limited attempts.

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