What if you could make your Roblox avatar look and act like you? With biometric location, you can!
This feature uses your camera to capture your facial and body movements and translate them into avatar animations.
Biometric location in Roblox tracks the user’s face and body movements and translates them into avatar animations. To use biometric location, enable the camera input and join an experience.
Continue reading to learn how to use this feature and explore the experiences.
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Biometric Location In Roblox
Biometric location is a feature of Roblox that uses computer vision and machine learning.
Significantly, it tracks the user’s face and body movements and translates them into avatar animations.
Users can make their avatars smile, frown, wink, nod, wave, and more just by using their expressions and gestures.
However, biometric location is not available for everyone yet; it is still in beta testing.
Hence, it is not fully developed and may have bugs or errors.

Criteria To Access Biometric Location
Generally, only some users who meet specific criteria can access this feature; the criteria are:
- The user must verify their email address with Roblox.
- The user must be over the age of 13.
- The user should have access to the voice chat feature.
If users meet these criteria, they can enable biometric location in their privacy settings and join an experience that supports face tracking.
However, they need a camera to capture their face and body movements.
How To Use Biometric Location In Roblox
To use biometric location, users need to do two things:
1. Enable The Camera Input
Players need to enable the camera input in their privacy settings.
This allows Roblox to access the user’s camera and capture their facial and body movements.
To enable camera input in your privacy settings, you need to follow these steps:
- Go to account settings
- Select the Privacy tab
- Toggle the “Use camera to animate your avatar with your movement” option.
Toggling will turn from gray to green, indicating that avatar animation has been enabled for your account.
Users can turn this option on or off at any time, depending on their preference and comfort level.
2. Join An Experience
Players can join an experience that supports face tracking.
This means that the experience has been designed to use biometric location as a feature.
Users can find these experiences by looking for the face tracking icon on the experience’s thumbnail or description.
Not all experiences support face tracking, as it depends on the developer’s choice and the experience’s theme.
Location Tracking In Roblox
Location tracking is a term that refers to different ways of finding or tracking the location of Roblox players.
Several methods and tools can be used for this purpose, such as:
1. Roblox Player Search
This website allows users to search for Roblox players and view their profiles.
Further, users can see which limited items the players own, their RAP and value charts, and more.
2. Localization Service
This is a Roblox service that developers can use to get the country or region of a player.
Further, this can help developers create games customized for different languages or cultures.

The Bottom Line
Roblox does not store or identify users’ biometric data but uses service providers Veriff and Persona to assist with identity and age verification.
With biometric location, you can bring your avatar to life with your expressions and gestures.
Contrarily, the biometric location makes this possible by using your camera to animate your avatar.