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Goblin And Prose Meaning In NYT Connections #500


  • Goblin is a comic book character that belongs to ___Green Category in Today’s NYT Connections.
  • Prose simply refers to the ornate writing that makes a piece of text impenetrable in the ___Purple group.
  • For the 500th edition of NYT Connection, the devs tried something unique by keeping the color-type words and meanings for the exact category.

The New York Times daily word game Connections is well-liked and free. Every day at midnight, a new puzzle is given to you.

You may play on the Games app or the NYT website. A grid of sixteen words is shown to you. Your job is to identify the connections between them and group them into four groups of four.

The categories may include clickable products, movies, any genre, or random themes.

Solution For Today’s NYT Connections

From the simplest, yellow group to the most challenging (and occasionally strange) purple group.

Today’s NYT Connections words.

Today’s theme is quite wacky. It will, to put it mildly, color your universe. Here are four suggestions for the groupings in today’s Connections puzzle.

  • A yellow group hint could indicate cowardice.
  • Green group hint: Being this isn’t easy.
  • Suede shoes are the blue group’s suggestion.
  • Purple group hint: It was a hit with Prince.

If you want extra help, you can view the spoilers below,

  • Yellow group — yellow ____
  • Green group — green ____
  • Blue group — blue ____
  • Purple group — purple ____

After getting a hint, you can try solving the puzzle on your own; if you are still confused, you can check the answers below.

Yellow__ (Yellow): Cab, Jacket, Journalism, Pages

Green__ (Green): Beret, Goblin, Salad, Thumb

Blue__ (Blue): Jay, Jeans, Moon, Whale

Purple__ (Purple): Haze, Heart, Prose, Rain

If you are confused, goblin means green goblin in the comic book.

Select the given words.

Lastly, Purple Prose is an overly ornate prose text that may disrupt a narrative flow.

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