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Discord Mobile Stream Zoomed In: Possible Fixes

Many users are facing the Zoomed In issue in the Mobile Stream while using Discord.

Due to this issue, players are unable to have a good experience while using the application.

The Discord Mobile Stream Zoomed In issue is possibly caused by the latest update. Players can try to optimize their zoom settings, restart the application or the device, switch to the website or use other available devices.

Continue reading about the Discord Mobile Stream Zoomed In issue and its possible solution.

Mobile Stream Zoomed In Issue In Discord

Discord is a popular communication app where users can create servers, chat with community members and watch streams on a channel.

In the Mobile Stream Zoomed In problem, the screen is super zoomed in whenever users watch any kind of stream.

The Zoomed In issue is most probably caused by the latest phone update.

Users are unable to zoom out on most mobile platforms, including Android and iOS.

How To Zoom Out On Discord Mobile?

For all the users facing the super zoom issue in Discord, follow the given solutions;

1. Change the Appearance

Users can initially try to make appearance settings in the Discord mobile app.

Players can head towards their user profile and search for App Settings.

In the App settings, players should head to the Appearance and manage the Zoom level according to their preference.

2. Open The Website

The super zoom issue is limited to mobile phone apps, so players should try using Discord in a browser.

If players have launched the website, head towards the channel and watch the stream.

Players can also switch browsers if the problem is not solved in Chrome or Safari.

discord mobile stream zoomed in
Open the discord site.

If there is still no response on the Phone’s browser, switch to other devices and use the Discord website or the app.

3. Restart App And Device

A few simple solutions can fix huge issues on apps and other software, 

Initially, users can try restarting the app and device or look for an app update on the Phone.

discord mobile stream zoomed in
Open the Discord app.

Further, players can also re-install the application from Google Play Store and App Store for Android and iOS.

4. Zoom Out The Mobile

The best possible way to fix the ultra zoom issue on Discord should be zooming out on the Phone itself.

To enable the Zoom settings in Android,

  • Head to Settings and Enter the Accessibility.
  • Tap the Magnification button and enable the Magnification Shortcut.
  • Press the Accessibility settings and tap the volume key.
  • Tap The Screen twice to start the Zoom settings

iOS users should follow the given option to enable the magnifier;

  • Head to Settings, search for the Accessibility option and enable the settings.
  • Double-tap the iPhone with three fingers and drag the screen

Users can also manage the Accessibility settings according to their preferences on both platforms.

The Bottom Line

Discord Mobile Stream Zoomed is quite possibly a bug after the latest patch in both iOS and Android.

The best solution to this issue is zooming out the Phone or switching the device to watch the stream.

After various customer complaints, another patch will arrive at any time, so constantly check the updates.

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