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How To Auto Follow Users In Threads App?

Threads App is gaining popularity with each passing day. The app currently allows users to follow the same users they follow on Instagram.

An auto-follow feature for people who follow a huge number of other influencers or pages may not be seen for some time in the Threads app. However, the team might introduce the feature soon.

In this article we will discuss how you can follow users in the Threads app and whether you can automatically follow users.

How To Follow Users In Threads App?

Threads app is a text-first social media application that debuted on July 6th, 2023.

The application is very similar to Twitter and shares a majority of features with Twitter.

Furthermore, the application developers are the same developers in charge of developing features for Instagram. 

Thus, users can only sign up for the Threads app through Instagram.  However, this is going to change in the future.

Users will need to access the Threads app through Instagram. The Instagram account will also act as an account for the Threads app.

Thus, users do not need to worry about going through the hassle of creating an account for the Threads app. 

Follow these steps to follow users in Threads app;

  1. First, set up your account through Instagram.
  2. Then, click on the search button icon on the menu bar.
Click on search button and access people to follow
Click on the search button to access the people you want to follow.
  1. A dialog box will appear after you click the button and show you a list of recommendations.
List of recommendations
List of recommendations to follow for the user.
  1. Then, you can click on the follow button beside the users to follow them.
  2. If the users have private accounts, it will send a follow request to the user.

If you are just getting into the Threads app when you log in for the first time, it will show you a list of people who use the app and you can follow them directly from there.

List of recommended users to follow
List of recommendations for first-time users.

How To Auto Follow Users In Threads App? 

Threads app does not have an auto-follow feature. However, to make sending follow requests easier, the Threads app has a bulk-follow request feature. 

Follow these steps to send bulk to follow requests in the Threads app;

  1. First, go to your profile from the bottom right corner of the application.
Click on the profile icon
Click on the profile option to access your profile
  1. Then, click on the followers button right below your name. This will open up a dialog box.
Click on the followers to open dialog box
Click on followers to open a dialog box to get followers and following option.
  1. After gaining access to the dialog box, click the following button. Here, you will see a message right above the search bar.
  2. You will see a See All button at the end of the message.
Click on see all button
Click on see all button to see all the users you follow on Instagram.
  1. Click on the button, this will open up all the names of the users you follow on Instagram.
  2. At the end of the dialog box, you see a Follow All button; click on it, and it will follow all the users in the list.
Click on the follow all button
Click on the follow-all button to bulk-follow all users.

After you follow these steps, you will automatically follow all the users you are currently following on Instagram on the Threads app.

However, if you follow new users after this process, you will need to follow them again through this process in the Threads app. 

Continue reading to discover whether Threads app shows who viewed your profile and how to confirm all follow requests at once.

The Bottom Line

Being able to follow users on any social media automatically can be a boon and a bane.

However, it can be a bane more than a boon since you may not want to follow certain users in other social media that are interlinked with each other.  

Due to the automatic follow feature, you will end up following them anyway.

Thus, having manual control over the people you follow and connect with is much better than having an automatic follow feature. 

Hopefully, this article can give you insight into whether you can automatically follow users on the Threads app or not. 

Continue reading to explore how to see likes on the Threads app and whether there is any filter in the app.
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