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Knights Of The Shield Hideout In Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 immerses the players in the world of sacrifice, survival, betrayal and many more.

The Knights of the Shield is a group of characters with a secret place to stay.

Knights of the Shield hideout is a location in BG3 that can be accessed through the Elfsong Tavern of the Underdark region. They guard the Emperor’s old hideout and the mysteries behind them.

This article will discuss the Knights of the Shields, their hideout and the Emperor’s old hideout.

Who Are The Knights Of The Shield?

The Knights of the Shield are a group of information dealers and political manipulators in Baldur’s Gate 3.

In addition, this group is hired by the Mind Flayer to capture and experiment on tadpoles.

A Ginthiyaki, named Lae’zal, is their leader who can be your companion in the game.

Furthermore, they are a group of ruthless warriors who can do anything to complete their mission.

Also, very little is known about their true goal in the story.

They guard the door to the Emperor’s Old Hideout in the game.

Where Is Emperor’s Old Hideout?

The Emperor’s old hideout is the former home of the Mindflayer Emperor.

The hideout is abandoned but was used for experiments on tadpoles.

The Mindflayer used the hideout to control the infections in tadpoles.

Furthermore, you can still find the Emperor’s old belongings and experiment scrolls.

Continue reading to learn about Dragonborn Breath Weapon and how to defeat the Bulette in Baldur’s Gate 3.

How To Find The Knights Of The Shield Hideout In BG3?

The Knights of the Shields hideout is in the Underdark, where the group guards the Emperor’s old hideout.

Here is a step-by-step process to get to the Knights of the Shields hideout:

  1. Firstly, fund the Emperor’s Old Hideout quest on the map.
Visit The Emperors Old Hideout Quest
The Knights of the Shields hideout can be found through the quest.
  1. Now, visit the Elfsong Tavern in the area.
Elfsong Tavern Knights of the Shields Hideout
The Elfsong Tavern lies in the Underdark region of the game.
  1. The Elfsong Tavern looks like a normal building with many non-playable characters but carries many secrets.
Elfsong Tavern Building Knights of the Shields Hideout
The Elfsong Tavern building, although normal has many secrets.
  1. Furthermore, go to the basement of the Elfsong Tavern.
Elfsong Tavern Basement Knights of the Shields Hideout
A lot of mystery and secrets lie in the Elfsong Tavern building.
  1. There, you will see a colony of rats guarding the door.
  2. You have to commence battle and defeat all of them to go further.
Defeat The Rats
Defeat the rats guarding the door to continue further.
  1. After defeating the rats, you can see two huge locked wine racks.
Wine Cellars Elfsong Tavern
Two huge locked wine cellars block the path to the Knights of the Shields hideout.
  1. To unlock those doors, go to the room on the far left with the bookshelves.
  2. You can see a button to unlock those wine cellars on the right wall.
Unlock The Wine Cellar
To unlock the wine cellar, click on the button on the right wall.
  1. Go through the wine cellar and another double door.
Double Doors
Go through another door to the Knights of the Shields hideout.
  1. Finally, you have reached the Knights of the Shields hideout.
Knights of the Shields Hideout
The hideout where the Knights of Shield guard the Emperor’s hideout

After reaching the Knights of the Shields hideout, a cutscene will appear.

There, you will interact with “Ch’ra’i Har’rak” about your intentions.

Moreover, this interaction lets you know a little about their ruthless nature.

How To Complete The Emperor’s Old Hideout Quest?

The Emperor’s Old Hideout lies in another secret room after the Knights of the Shields hideout.

To be able to complete this quest, follow these steps:

  1. Complete all the steps from above and get to the Knights of the Shields hideout.
  2. Interact with the Knights of the Shield group and defeat them in a battle.
Interact With Knights of the Shield
Interaction with Knights of the Shield.
  1. Defeating the Knights of the Shield is difficult, so prepare yourselves.
Commence Battle with Knights of the Shield
Defeat the Knights of the Shield in the battle
  1. After defeating the group, search the room to find a statue.
Statue to get to the Emperors Old Hideout
The statue to get to the Emperor’s Old Hideout.
  1. Behind the statue lies a wall, which can be unlocked through the button on the right.
Unlock the wall
Unlock the wall by pressing the button on the right.
  1. Inside the wall is the Emperor’s old hideout.
Emperors Old Hideout
The Emperor’s Old hideout carries scrolls of his experiments and his old belongings.

The Emperor’s Old Hideout quest provides no beneficial rewards or benefits.

However, it does provide information about his previous experiments and gives better direction to the story.

The Bottom Line

Knights of the Shield area group of information dealers and ruthless warriors.

To get to the Knights of the Shield hideout in BG3, the player should go to the basement of the Elfsong Tavern.

Therefore, there are many mysteries and battles to get to the hideout.

So take notes from the above steps and commence your batter today.

Continue reading to learn about getting back Yenna and discover Auntie Ethel Fireplace in BG3.
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