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Kneel Or Not In Blasphemous 2: A Choice That Matters

Blasphemous 2 is a role-playing video game in a dark and strange new world.

You make many choices and decisions throughout the game that have their consequences.

One choice is whether to kneel or not against the floating hand in the Streets of Wakes.

To Kneel or Not Before the Floating Hand in the Streets of Wakes Cathedral is a choice you, as a player, should make. If you decide to kneel, you can get the key to the secret door through the Forlon Patio. If you decide not to kneel, you can get the key through the Confessor in Crimson Rains.

This article dives deeper into the choice to kneel and not to kneel and the consequences you may face.

Why Do You Need To Kneel Against The Floating Hand?

Blasphemous 2 is an exciting role-playing game that provides many challenges and choices.

The Streets of Wakes is a location that has many challenges, activities and rewards.

Some of the things that you can find in this area are:

  • The Fervent Kisses
  • The Floating Hand
  • The Prie Deu
  • The Altar Pieces
  • The Daughters

In addition, there is a secret door in the Streets of Wakes Cathedral.

Streets of Wakes Cathedral Blasphemous 2
The Streets of Wakes Cathedral in Blasphemous 2.

Kneeling before the Floating hand favors you to gain the key from the Forlon Patio.

The essential cost 6000 if you decide to kneel before the floating hand.

However, what happens if you decide not to kneel before the floating hand?

Many players decide not to kneel because there is another way to gain the key.

What Happens If You Choose To Kneel?

If you kneel before the floating hand in Blasphemous 2, you will be granted the key from the Forlon Patio.

Correspondingly, you will gain the key to the secret door through the Forlon patio, but after paying 6000.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to gaining the key by kneeling:

  1. Go to the location of the Floating Hand. Just behind the hand is the secret door.
  2. Before you Kneel, make sure you are maxed out on Fervent Kisses.
  3. Then, kneel before the floating hand five times and provide it with Fervent Kisses.
Kneel or not Fervent Kiss Blasphemous 2
Provide five Fervent Kisses to the floating hand.
  1. The Floating Hand will promise to protect you and return the favor.
  2. Now, go to the location of the Forlon Patio in the Streets of Wakes.
Kneel or not Forlon Patio Blasphemous 2
The Forlon Patio Location in the Streets of Wakes.
  1. The patio provides you with a bunch of items that you can purchase.
Kneel or not Broken Key Cost Blasphemous 2
If you decide to Kneel, the broken key costs 6000.
  1. Now, purchase the Broken Key for 6000 grand.
Kneel Broken Key Purchase
Purchase the broken key to open the secret door.
  1. The broken key can then be used to open the secret door.

Therefore, if you kneel, you must purchase the key for 6000.

However, it can further benefit the game as the floating hand promises to protect you.

Continue reading to learn more about the Marks of Martyrdom in Blasphemous 2.

What Happens If You Choose Not To Kneel?

If you choose not to kneel before the floating hand in Blasphemous 2, you can have another way to gain the key.

However, you will gain the key from The Confessor in the Crimson Rains for completely free.

By now, the Forlon Patio has the key if you kneel before the floating hand.

But, if you do not kneel and go to the Forlon Patior, you cannot purchase the broken key.

To get the key, you must get to the confessor.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to gaining the key by not kneeling:

  1. Go to the location of the City of the Blessed Name.
Not Kneel City of the Blessed Name Blasphemous 2
Location of the City of the Blessed Name.
  1. Then, go to the fast travel room in Crimson Rains.
  2. You must have maxed out on Fervent Kisses like before.
  3. In the fast travel room lies The Confessor.
Not Kneel The Confessor
Get the key from the confessor if you do not kneel.
  1. Interact with The Confessor and provide him with all the Fervent Kisses.
  2. Then, he will provide you with the Broken Key for completely free.

So, if you do not kneel, you can get the key for free without paying 6000.

What Is Behind The Secret Door Of The Streets Of Wakes?

Whatever you decide to do, you will successfully be able to gain the key to the secret door.

Now that you have the key, return to the Streets of Wakes Cathedral and use the key.

Marks of Martyrdom Secret Door
The secret door has the Marks of Martyrdom.

After opening the door, you gain the rewards of the Marks of Martyrdom.

Marks of Martyrdom are special items that provide various rewards for your character.

Marks of Martyrdom
Marks of Martyrdom is a valuable item in the game.

There are a total of 75 Marks of Martyrdom throughout the game.

And one you can gain from unlocking the secret door of the Streets of Wakes Cathedral.

The Marks of Martyrdom help to increase damage resistance, decrease difficulty during boss fights, unlock new abilities and many more.

So, it does not matter whether you kneel before the floating hand.

What matters is that you gain the key to the Streest of the Wakes Cathedral.

The Bottom Line

Players may face a dilemma while choosing whether or not to kneel before the floating hand in the Streets of Wakes.

The choice is completely up to you and whether you choose to kneel or not.

Make sure you gain the Marks of Martyrdom from the secret room.

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