Burrow Hole is a small opening where players can around the world of Baldur’s Gate 3.
Furthermore, players can enter the Burrow Hole to find loot or just explore it.
Continue reading the article to discover about Burrow Hole and how to enter them in detail.
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What Is A Burrow Hole In BG3?
Burrow Holes are entryways to various underground cellars and Baldur’s Gate 3 openings.
The Burrow Hole can lead to areas that may contain valuable resources or are just an area to explore.
Furthermore, players can come across Burrow Hole randomly around the world of BG3.
The Burrow Hole is also hard to see; however, most players will easily find them by hovering over small holes in the land.
Players can especially find these Holes around large cities or ruins.
How To Enter The Burrow Holes In BG3?
After you find the Burrow Hole, you must enter it. However, you cannot enter the Burrow Holes in your normal form.
Here is how you can enter the Burrow Hole in BG3;
Method 1: Enter The Shapeshift
The first method to enter any Burrow Hole is through Shapeshifting. However, shapeshifting is a Druid class-specific ability.
Thus, players must have a Druid class in their party to enter the Burrow Hole.

Furthermore, Druids must shapeshift into cats to enter the Burrow Holes since cats are small and agile enough to enter such small openings.
Druids can transform or shapeshift into cats using the wild shape ability.

Method 2: Learn Gaseous Form
The Gaseous form is a defensive spell in Baldur’s Gate 3, where Sorcerers, Warlocks, and Wizards can learn the spell.
Furthermore, if the Druid class chooses the Circle of Spores subclass, they can also learn the Gaseous Form spell.
The Gaseous form allows players to turn into gas and move freely through small crevices and Burrow Holes.
Thus, if you do not have a Druid in your party but have a Sorcerer, a Warlock or a Wizard, you can have them learn Gaseous form to enter Burrow Holes in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Method 3: Diguise As Halfings, Gnomes Or Enter As One
Lastly, players can choose the Halflings’ or Gnome species to enter the Burrow Hole during character customization.
However, if your choice was a different species, you can disguise yourself as one.

To disguise yourself as a Halfling player will require a Shadowheart in their party.
The Shadowheart can cast the disguise spell on other party members.

Or you must have the disguise self skill, which allows players to choose any playable species within the game.
The Bottom Line
Baldur’s Gate also allows players to use skills outside of the fight. This makes the gameplay experience even better.
Furthermore, the immersion of skills and the world of Baldur’s Gate 3 is one of the best in recent years.
Hopefully, this article can guide you in entering and exploring various Burrow Holes in Baldur’s Gate 3.