If you are confused about how to get the Gooch to attack you, delving into this guide could be the right option.
Similarly, players can get the Gooch Outfit in GTA 5 by killing the Gooch after it attacks the player to loot money.
Continue reading to learn more about how to get the Gooch to attack you.
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Gooch In GTA 5: An Overview
In GTA 5 players can enjoy the Christmas-themed event from December 22nd, 2023 to January 3rd, 2024.
In this event, players can witness a customed character, The Gooch, which is only there for a limited time.
Moreover, players must chase and kill the Gooch to regain their items and as well as obtain the Gooch Outfit.
You can encounter Gooch several times, so repeat this process as long as you want to collect the rewards from him.
However, players have to catch the Gooch and kill him within two minutes, or else he will vanish from the scene.
Get The Gooch To Attack You: How To Do It?
In GTA 5, players can now obtain the exclusive Gooch outfit and add this unique outfit to their collection.
Similarly, players can only get the outfit from killing the Gooch that can be spotted anywhere around the streets.
However, players cannot directly kill the Gooch and collect the outfit from him, there are certain steps to follow.
1. Setting The Stage
To begin your journey to obtain the elusive Gooch outfit, players should gather at least one friend.
Similarly, you can start loading into a friend-only or invite-only session in GTA 5 online as having a reliable companion is crucial.
Likewise, players have to take note of the in-game time they spawn as it will determine when Gooch will make its appearance.
2. Preparing Your Character For The Gooch
Once you are playing in invite-only session mode with your friend, open your phone in the game and access the internet.
Now, open the Money services scroll down to the Maze bank, select the main menu, and choose the withdraw option.
Similarly, players should withdraw around $10,000 and carry it to prepare their character for the Gooch.

As Gooch only attacks the players with more money, you should at least carry more than $10000 in your pocket.
Also, instruct your friend to follow the same steps as it is a strategic move to ensure the Gooch attacks you.
3. Gooch Arrival And Confronting Him
After you and your friend hold the required amount, engage in various activities as time passes as Gooch only comes at the 48th minute after spawning.
Consider using a stopwatch timer to precisely track the in-game time and position yourself strategically in a central location.
Likewise, right after the 48th Minute, Gooch races down the streets and attacks the player to steal $10,000.
Then take a good weapon and chase the Gooch running around the streets to escape after stealing the money.
4. Claiming Your Reward
As Gooch runs forward through the city, chase him down with determination and shoot him if he is in range.
After you kill the Gooch, you will notice a special present wrapped on the ground, obtained as a loot drop.

Similarly, approach the present and pick it up to reveal the enticing Gooch outfit, you can add this unique costume to your collection.
Besides that, you will also receive a substantial reward of $335,000 and some snacks, making the effort more worthwhile.
Likewise, you can try your newly acquired Gooch outfit by visiting any game closet.
The Bottom Line
The Gooch is a festive surprise that adds some humor and challenge to GTA Online.
If you want to experience this, you need to act fast, as it is only available for a limited time during the winter season.
In addition, remember to carry at least $10,000 in hand for being the potential target of the Gooch robbery.