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How to Lock a Channel on Discord (PC, Mac & Mobile)

Discord provides a medium for people to connect verbally or through texts. A channel on Discord allows users to be connected as a community. 

But this feature is limited to members of that channel in particular. Only members of a channel can see, comment, and chat with other members. 

Sometimes you need to maintain your channel by locking it or making it private. This feature is allowed only to the channel creator, though. 

Locking a channel on Discord can be a tricky task to do. You need not worry, as this article will help you lock your channel and make it private.

Why Do You Need to Lock Channel on Discord?

As a channel creator, you have responsibilities toward your channel. Sometimes there will be trash talk in the comments, or valuable information needs to be reached to everyone on time. 

Some reasons creators lock their channel includes:

  • To stop commenting or messaging on a specific channel.
  • To make your channel Read only specific. 
  • You only want chosen people on your channel.
  • To make your channel private and secure.

How to Lock a Channel on Discord?

You can either lock a channel by disabling comments or by making your channel private. 

Allowing limited members access to your channel is also a method to lock your channel. 

Different devices have different interfaces on Discord. So it might be difficult for you to lock your channel. 

Check out different steps for different devices under respective headings below.

For PC and Mac

Discord can be used through a web browser or through an app on your PC or Mac. Whichever it be, the interface of both is the same. 

So, follow these steps to lock Discord Channel on your PC or Mac.

  1. Open up your Discord app.
  2. Click on the Server you want to work on. Click on Edit Channel(or Settings icon) beside the name of the channel you want to lock.

Server Channel Setting Icon Edit Channel Discord

3. Click on Permission. Then click on Advanced permissions

Permissions Add Permissions Discord

4. Now click on the red cross option to manage settings according to your preferences. Then click on Save Changes at the bottom of your screen. 

Advanced Permissions Toggle X Save Changes Discord

This will totally block views and other settings for everyone on the channel. What you can further do is assign roles to a particular member who will be able to access your locked channel.

  1. Follow up to step 4→ Advanced permissions. Click on the plus icon beside ROLES/MEMBERS. Now add members to your locked channel by typing their ID besides ADD

Roles Members Plus Icon Add Discord

For Mobile(Android and IOS)

To lock a channel or make it private on mobile, you need to go through a number of steps. So carefully follow the following steps.

  1. Open up your Discord app on your mobile. 
  2. Tap on the Server you want to edit. Now tap on the channel you want to lock.

Server Text Voice Channel Discord

For Text Channel

  1. Tap on the two people icon at the top right of your screen.

Text Channel Two Person Icon Discord

2. Tap on Settings.

Settings Discord

3. Tap on Channel Permissions.

Channel Settings Channel Permissions Discord

4. You can make your channel Private by tapping on the icon next to the Private Channel option. 

Basic View Private Channel Toggle On Discord


    4. Tap on Advanced View and tap on @everyone.

Advanced View @Everyone Discord

5. Now Toggle off X button to either side according to your preferences. 

Toggle X Discord

For Voice Channel

  1. Tap on the Message icon at the top right of your screen.

Voice Channel Message Icon Discord

2. Tap on Edit Channel

Edit Channel Discord

3. Tap on Channel Permissions.

Voice Channel Settings Channel Permissions Discord

4. You can make your channel Private by tapping on the icon next to the Private Channel option. 

Basic View Private Channel Toggle On Discord


    4. Tap on Advanced View and tap on @everyone.

Voice Advanced View @Everyone Discord

5. Now Toggle off to X side according to your preferences.

Voice Toggle X Discord 

How to Make a Channel Private on a PC?

As mentioned above, you can either lock your channel or make it private. To make it private:

  1. Follow the above steps up to step 3.
  2. Click on Permission. You’ll see a Private Channel option there. Toggle the x button next to it. 

Private Channel Toggle X Discord

3. If you want to add members to your private channel, click on Add members or roles after you’ve toggled. 

Private Channel Add Members Or Roles Discord

4. A box will appear. Type the names/IDs of the members you want to add and click on Done.

Add Members Or Roles Tag Id Discord

What Happens when you Lock a Channel?

After doing the above steps, your Channel will be locked or private. You can add members to your channel to permit them to edit.

They will have access to messaging and commenting on everything you or someone else posts. 

You will know your channel is private when you see a lock icon on the channel. 

How to Make Channel Read Only?

You may want members of your channel to receive certain information but no comments on something you post. 

For that, making your channel a read-only is the best option. People on the server will only be able to read the messages that you post. 

To make the channel read-only:

  1. Open up Discord. Choose the server. Choose the channel you want to make read-only. Open up the Settings.

Server Channel Setting Icon Edit Channel Discord

2. Click on Permissions and then Advanced Permissions

Permissions Add Permissions Discord

3. Scroll Down to find Send Messages, Send Messages in Threads, and Create Public Threads. Toggle all of them off. Click on Save Changes

Send Messages Send Messages In Threads Create Public Threads Create Private Threads Save Changes Discord

How to Unlock Channel on Discord?

Suppose you have successfully locked a channel and want to unlock it, for some reason, and have everyone access your channel contents. Do not worry; all you have to do is simply toggle off everything you’ve done from the previously mentioned steps. 

You’ll know if you’ve unlocked your channel when the lock icon disappears on your channel name. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can people see previous messages on a Locked server?

Yes, members you have given access to can see the previous messages on the channel even though they weren’t there when it was posted.

Can I Lock my Channel in fewer steps?

Unfortunately, these are the only known ways to lock your channel. What you can do is use bots to lock your channel. Popular bots to do so are the lock bot and MEE6 bot.

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