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Seed Bloom In WoW: Guide To Blooming Dreamseeds Quest

There are multiple quests launched in the new patch 10.2 released in WoW.

You get various rewards after completing these quests required to acquire various cosmetic items in the game.

In WoW, you get Seed Bloom as a reward after completing the weekly Blooming Dreamseeds quest on the small island at the top of the map. It requires planting Dreamseeds within the Emerald Dream.

Continue reading to learn about what is a seed bloom and how you get one in WoW.

What Is Seed Bloom In WoW?

Seed bloom is a currency you earn during the Blooming Dreamseed quest or Emerald bounty event.

You can find the seedbloom in your inventory connected to the Superbbloom activities.

During the event, you can plant seeds in the fertile soil and nourish them into a seed bloom.

After the seed blooms, players can get a lot of rewards for their efforts.

You can use the seed bloom to exchange mounts, pets, and transmog at different levels.

Continue reading to explore Memory of the Dreamer and Green Dream Team in World of Warcraft. 

How To Complete The Blooming Dreamseeds Quest In WoW?

The main objective of Blooming Dreamseeds quest is to plant dreamseeds in the Emerald Dream.

The Emerald Dream is a world with harmony and balance in nature.

To complete the quest, you must plant five dreamseeds in the soil.

You can plant seeds wherever you find fertile soil and contribute to the common seedlings to earn rewards.

Additionally, you can contribute using dreamseed bloom to nurture further seed growth during the growth cycle.

The growth cycle takes 3 minutes to complete, during which you can contribute to the growth.

After the cycle is complete, if you helped to nurture the seed, you’ll receive different rewards.

However, the quality of the reward you receive depends on the dreamseed you plant.

Plant a dreamseed to sprout Whisper bloom sapling
Planting a dreamseed from the inventory to complete Blooming Dreamseed quest.

Also, there are different objectives during the quest that you should complete.

Multiple locations on the map indicate using the leaf icon where you need to plant the dreamseed.

Further, the seeds bloom when a wide variety of plants grow alongside the world tree.

Moreover, you get Harvested Dreamseed as a reward for completing the blooming dreamseeds quest.

Seedbloom Bug In Wow

After the recent release of patch 10.2, players faced the bug that prevented the seedbloom as a reward after completing the quest.

Even after completing the quest and Emerald bounty, there was a Seedbloom currency bug.

However, according to Blizzard, the bug has been fixed, and players can now receive seedbloom.

Further, they’ll receive the missing currency from the mailbox in the Emerald Dream zone.

So, you can complete the quest to get seedbloom as a reward.

The Bottom Line

As the bug is fixed, you can get Seedbloom as a reward after completing the Blooming Dreamseeds Quest.

Completing the quest requires five dreamseed that you can plant in the fertile land.

You can use 2500 seedbloom currency for Reins of the Snowfluff Dreamtalon.

Also, learn more about Emerald Frenzy Event and Passed Torch Quest in World of Warcraft.
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