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Frequency Calibration In Entangled Mission In Starfield

The Entangled Mission in Starfield takes place at the Nishina Research Station.

Upon arriving at the research station, the player will gain the ability to shift between the two universes.

You can calibrate frequency in Starfield by adjusting oscillation frequencies to specific target values, synchronizing quantum entanglement effects between parallel realities and allowing timelines to reunite.

This article will discuss the frequency calibration in Entangled Mission in Starfield.

What Is The Entangled Mission?

The Entangled Mission in Starfield takes place at the Nishina Research Station.

This is where scientists have been conducting experiments involving parallel universes and quantum entanglement.

However, something went wrong during their latest test, resulting in two divergent realities.

In one reality, most of the scientists survived, but the labs were destroyed.

In the other reality, the labs are intact but overrun by hostile aliens who killed all the scientists except Rafael.

As the player arrives at the research station, they are tasked with investigating what went wrong during the experiment.

Additionally, they need to figure out how to resolve the divergent timelines.

entangled starfield frequency
The Entangled Mission in Starfield takes place at the Nishina Research Station.

Their goal is to save both Rafael and the other scientists by shutting down the machine at the heart of the experiment.

The machine should shut down in a way that merges the two realities back together safely.

However, it seems an impossible task – the player will have to choose to save either Rafael or the scientists, not both. Or will they?

How To Start The Entangled Mission?

Upon arriving at the research station, the player can shift between the two universes thanks to residual effects from the experiment.

They must fight through the alien infestation to access the main labs in the intact universe.

In the destroyed universe, they can bypass the damage to reach the core areas more easily.

The first step is to gather intel.

Exploring both universes, the player should search for logs and notes left behind that provide clues.

The body of Rafael is of particular importance, which can be found in the intact universe beneath the control room.

He is carrying a Probe Calibration Protocol log that details the frequency calibration process needed.

How To Save Both Worlds In The Mission?

With the calibration protocol in hand, the player now has the information required to merge the two realities potentially.

But you must take some additional steps:

  1. Clear out all enemies from both facilities to prevent interference.
  2. Activate all switches in the destroyed universe, but do not touch any in the intact one.
  3. Select the degaussing option on the main computer and toggle the requested switches on and off in both worlds.
  4. Calibrate the frequencies – set the intact world to 40GHz and the destroyed world to 24GHz.
  5. Activate the primary calibration controls to merge the realities.

The player can stabilize the quantum entanglement by precisely calibrating the output frequencies between the two labs.

Additionally, they can back the timelines together, rescuing Rafael and the scientists in the process.

It requires using real science and experimentation to solve the problem creatively.

What Is Frequency Calibration In Entangled Mission In Starfield?

Frequency calibration is the process of adjusting oscillation frequencies to specific target values.

In physics experiments, precise frequency matching is required to synchronize the entanglement effects across universes.

During the Nishina Research Station experiment, fluctuations in the output frequencies driving the entanglement caused the realities to diverge in an unstable manner.

entangled frequency calibration
Frequency calibration is the process of adjusting oscillation frequencies to specific values.

Frequency calibration provides a way to re-align the universes by adjusting the outputs until their quantum wave functions match perfectly again.

This allows the timelines, which are separated due to minor frequency inconsistencies, to reunite as one coherent reality.

It is an elegant scientific solution hidden within the game’s systems, rewarding players who take a systematic, experimental approach rather than rushing to a binary choice.

Continue reading to learn where to find Secret Outpost Note and ways to remove the Introvert Perk in Starfield. 

How To Do Frequency Calibration In Entangled Mission In Starfield?

Calibrating the output frequencies between the two laboratories is the key to merging the diverged realities in the Entangled mission.

However, with multiple adjustment options across two worlds, it can be difficult to methodically test values without wasting time.

Here are some tips to streamline the calibration process:

  • Start by establishing a baseline – check the initial intake frequencies in both universes without any changes made.
  • Then make small, incremental adjustments of 2GHz or less to one output at a time, carefully noting how it impacts the other world. This allows you to map the relationship between values without unpredictable jumps.
  • Use a notebook or terminal to record each test and the resulting frequencies.

Over time, patterns will emerge in how the numbers respond to changes.

Mathematical analysis of the data can reveal a target ratio of outputs needed.

entangled calibration starfield
Calibrating the output frequencies between the two laboratories is the key.

However initial experimentation helps uncover this relationship organically.

Once the step-change effects are understood, calculations allow skipping directly to the solution values.

Calibration is about precision, not guesswork.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, the Entangled Mission in Starfield presents players with one of the game’s most engaging puzzles.

It seamlessly integrates narrative choices with actual scientific principles, challenging players to think critically and experiment their way to a unique third option of saving everyone.

For those who rise to the challenge, the rewards of experience, loot and a feel-good resolution make it a truly memorable quest.

Read more about Money Glitches and ways to overcome Rescue Hostage Bugs in Starfield. 
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