Wait For News From Songbird is a quest objective in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Expansion.
However, some players have reported that they never receive the message, even after waiting for several in-game days or completing other quests.
This article examines the Songbird character and whether Wait For News From Songbird is bugged in Cyberpunk 2077.
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Who Is Songbird In Cyberpunk 2077?
Songbird is a character who serves as the focal point of the Phantom Liberty expansion, which introduces new characters and a new plot.
Her actual name is Song So Mi, the right-hand Netrunner of President Rosalind Myers and a former intelligence analyst for the NUSA.
She is a proficient hacker who can subvert high-level ICE and breach secure networks.
Moreover, she is afflicted with a Blackwall virus, which corrupts her cyberware and puts her life in danger.
However, for her protection and the safety of others, Songbird’s old handler, Solomon Reed, an ex-FIA agent, wants to apprehend her.
The player character, V, must decide whether to assist Reed in capturing or aiding Songbird in escaping.
This decision impacts how the expansion turns out and how the leading game ends.
Depending on their decisions and deeds, a possible ally or opponent for V may also be Songbird.
However, she is not V’s best option for a romantic partner since she is too preoccupied with her own goals.
What Is Neural Matrix Mission?
Neural Matrix is a mission to infiltrate a stadium under the hands of Kurt Hansen.
Kurt Hansen is a criminal with access to Neural Matrix equipment that can treat V and Songbird’s cyberware issues.
To complete the objective, the player must hack into the Neural Matrix while posing as Aurore Cassel, a Netrunner who works for Hansen.
To ensure her safety and the safety of others, Songbird must decide whether to help Reed apprehend her or assist her in escaping with the gadget.
The mission might have various results depending on the player’s decision and actions.
The task is among the most challenging and most thrilling in the game.
This is because it tests the player’s stealth, fighting, hacking, and decision-making abilities.
Wait For News From Songbird: Feature Or Bug?
No, Wait For News From Songbird is not bugged in Cyberpunk 2077.
The quest requires you to wait for a call from Songbird, a mysterious hacker you helped escape from Reed, a MaxTac agent.
In the Neural Matrix mission, you must wait for Songbird’s news.
After you finish the “Neural Matrix” mission, Songbird will call you with some news, which will happen about three in-game days later.
If you decide to aid Songbird in escaping during this mission, she will promise to call you shortly with information regarding your future moves.
Before receiving the call from Songbird, some gamers claim they had to wait several in-game days.
During this time, they must do certain side quests or go to specific areas.
However, some speculations suggest that Wait From News From Songbird is not bugged but rather a feature.
This requires you to wait for a long time before Songbird calls you with the next steps of the quest.
However, if Songbird does not call you after three in-game days, there may be a bug.
As for now, there is no definitive answer to how long you have to wait, as it depends on your game progress and decisions.
However, the following advice might assist you in speeding the process:
- Finishing the Run This Town mission entails locating and eliminating a NetWatch agent in Dogtown. Visiting Dogtown and receiving a call from Mr. Hands can start this mission.
- Finishing further Gigs or NCPD calls in Dogtown or other game regions.
- Sleeping in your residence or utilizing the menu’s skip time function.
- Traveling to Morrow Rock, where Songbird will finally get in touch with you, over the bridge.

The Bottom Line
If you are experiencing the “Songbird Not Calling” bug in Cyberpunk 2077’s Phantom Liberty DLC, there are a few things you can try to fix.
You can wait 24 hours, try a different location, reload a previous save, or sleep in your apartment to pass the time.
You can contact CD Projekt Red support for assistance if you are still having trouble.