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How To Upgrade Tunic Of The Wild In TotK?

You can find pieces from Wild Armor set in the Zelda series, Tears of the Kingdom, including Tunic of the Wild.

It can be found while exploring Gerudo Dark Skeleton at the southwest of the Depths.

Furthermore, using different materials, you can easily upgrade Tunic of the Wild into four upgraded levels. You will need Acorns, Courser Bee Honey, Energenic Rhino Beetle and dragon parts from the Naydra Dragon.

Continue reading to learn where you can find Tunic of the Wild and how to upgrade to different levels in TotK.

Where To Find Tunic Of The Wild?

The Armor set from Breath Of The Wild is back in TotK; Tunic of the Wild is the chest piece from Of The Wild Armor set.

tunic of the wild
Tunic of the Wild is the chest piece from Of The Wild Armor set.

You can obtain Tunic of the Wild(Chest Piece), along with the Cap of the Wild(Head Piece) and Trousers of the Wild(Legs Piece) by exploring Depths.

Furthermore, it may not be the prettiest Armor, but it can be powerful when powered up to different levels.

You can find Tunic of the Wild within a chest in the Gerudo Dark Skeleton area at the southwestern corner of the Depths.

location of tunic of the wild
You can find Tunic of the Wild within a chest in the Gerudo Dark Skeleton.

Here are the exact coordinates of Tunic of the Wild: -4879, -3720, -0458.

Moreover, if you have experience exploring the Depths, activate the Kasari or Gataharak Lightroots.

Now from either of the Lightroot, you can head west to find the Gerudo Dark Skeleton.

Read on to learn how to upgrade Yiga Armor and Fierce Deity Armor in TotK.

How To Upgrade The Tunic Of The Wild?

When you obtain Tunic of the Wild from the Depths, like other Armor sets, it starts at a +4 defense state before upgrading.

You can upgrade the Armor in the Great Fairy Mountains; specifically, the Great Fairy Kaysa will do the work.

great fairy mountains
You can upgrade the Armor in the Great Fairy Mountains.

Furthermore, for Tunic of the Wild, you will need some dragon parts, a few materials and the cost of enhancing Armor.

You will mainly need parts from Naydra (Ice Dragon) to upgrade the Tunic of the Wild, so farm some dragon parts before upgrading.

Moreover, you can upgrade the Armor into four levels and need different materials to upgrade on different levels.

Here is everything you need to upgrade Tunic of the Wild on each level.

For Level One (One Star)

You will need ten acorns and two dragon scales from Naydra to upgrade the Armor to level one.

So, chop some trees to get the acorns and farm scales from Naydra.

for level one upgrade
Upgrading Tunic of the Wild to Enhanced level one.

Additionally, you will have to pay rupee 10 to the Fairy, and the base damage will increase from +4 to +7.

For Level Two (Two Star)

For this level, you will need five Courser Bee Honey and two dragon claws from Naydra.

And the labor charge is rupee 50, and the base damage will increase to +12.

For Level Three (Three Star)

First, you will need three Energenic Rhino Beetles, which can be found in Bronas forest near Lakeside Stable.

Furthermore, you will require two  Naydra dragon fangs and five dragon spikes.

for level three upgrade
Upgrading Tunic of the Wild to Enhanced level three.

Along with the materials, a labor charge of rupee 200 and the base damage will increase to +18.

For Level Four (Four Star)

This is the highest level of Tunic of the Wild Armor that requires three Star fragments, two Naydra dragon horns and ten dragon spikes.

for level four upgrade
Upgrading Tunic of the Wild to Enhanced level four.

And it will need a labor charge of rupee 500, and base damage will increase to +28.

Therefore, after collecting all the levels’ materials, you can go to the Great Fairy and upgrade the Tunic of the Wild.

The Bottom Line

In Breath of the Wild, you will get Tunic of the Wild as a reward for completing the shrines.

However, you must find Tunic of the Wild exploring the Depths of Tears of the Kingdom.

Furthermore, it can be upgraded into different levels, and other pieces of the Wild Armor set using different materials.

Read on to learn how the sea breeze boomerang breaks and upgrade Rubber Armor in TotK.
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