In Dreamlight Valley, Coin Pool Theory is a quest item that allows players to increase the friendship level of the character “Belle” and complete a personal friendship quest.
This article will explore the details of the Book Hunt quest and Coin Pool Theory book in Dreamlight Valley.
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Who Is Belle In Disney Dreamlight Valley?
Belle is the Beauty and the Beast Realm character, added on 13th September 2023.
She is the bookworm villager who searches for adventure.
Furthermore, she is an interesting character with an engaging personal quest line.
Therefore, to unlock this character, you must complete the following tasks.
- Unlock the Beauty and the Beast Realm
- Talk to Belle
- Complete the ‘Into the West Wing!’ quest
- Complete ‘A Prince in Disguise‘ quest
- Place the Beast’s castle in your valley
The Beauty and the Beast Realm will cost you about 12500 Dream Light to unlock.
As you unlock the Belle, you can make her feel comfortable by completing her Book Hunt Friendship Quest.
What Is The Book Hunt Friendship Quest?
The Book Hunt Friendship quest can be unlocked after you reach level two of friendship with Belle.
It would be best to meet other prerequisites to unlock this quest, such as Unlocking Remy, Mirabel, Dazzle, Beach, and Peaceful Meadow.
Once players fulfill the condition, they can start the quest Book Hunt.
In this quest, you must help Belle to get into the Dreamlight library.
Furthermore, you have to find the four missing books of Merlin.
Here are the books you have to find in this quest;
- Bear In Mind-Goofy’s book
- Mirabel’s Book-Merabel’s book
- Extraordinary RATventures-Remy’s book
- Coin Pool Theory-Scrooge Book

Moreover, you have to talk to the four villagers to find the books.
However, finding the books is easy, and you can finish this quest within 10 minutes.
Where To Find Coin Pool Theory Book?
The villager borrows the Coin Pool Theory book called Scrooge McDuck.
Once you talk with Scrooge McDuck, he will tell you that the Coin Pool Theory Book can be found somewhere in the water of the Beach.

However, many players have difficulty finding this book because you must do extra work to collect it.
Here is the step-by-step guide to finding Coin Pool Theory Book;
- Go to Dazzel Beach.
- Then, look for the shiny pile of dust.
- After that, dig it up with the Royal Shovel.
- You can see the book inside the pile of dust.

Once you have garb the book, you can see the book in your inventory.
Other Books Location
Here is the location to find other missing books;
- Bear In Mind: To get this book, talk to Goofy; he will return it to you without any trouble.
- Mirabel’s Book: Getting this book is easy; you can find it by a bench near the Well in the Plaza.
- Extraordinary RATventures: To Find Remy’s book, you’ll need to fish near Goofy’s Stall in Dazzle Beach.
Therefore, you can find all and deliver it to Belle and follow her.
Then, she’ll hand over the books to Merlin and give the title of honorary librarian.
Where To Place Books For Book Hunt?
The Book Hunt quest is still not complete.
There is one more task to do before Book Hunt is complete.
Belle asks you to help her organize the books by selecting dialogue options.
Here are those options;
- Crafty Creatures should be placed under Wandless Arts and Crafts.
- Coin Pool Theory should be filed places Monetary Physics and Swim Strokes.
- Cursed Negotiations: Making Better Devious Deals should be placed under Magical Contract Law.
Once you place the books, the Book Hunt quest is complete. Your friendship with Belle will be level 3.
The Bottom Line
Coin Pool Theory is a missing book from the Book Hunt quest. Players can find this book at Dazzel Beach.
Furthermore, Belle will finally be able to enjoy the library.
Also, you can now explore her next Friendship Quest and keep leveling her up.