In the world of Fallout 76, the opossum is a small creature you may encounter while exploring the wilds of Appalachia.
They are not just mere background animals; these critters provide valuable resources, such as meat and leather, essential for survival.
Continue reading to explore where you can find all the Opossums in Fallout 76.
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What Is Opossum In Fallout 76?
In the game Fallout 76, you’ll find opossum here and there in different locations in Appalachia.
They’re little, furry, and tend to run away rather than fight when players come near.
These critters are good for getting meat, leather, and stuff for making things. Moreover, you can hunt opossums for their meat and skins.
If you cook their meat, it’ll fix up your health and hunger. You can use their skins to make armor and other gear.
If you’re just starting out, opossums won’t really hurt you, but if you bother them, they could scratch or bite.

But once you’ve leveled up, they can hit harder.
You might see opossums by rivers or lakes, and they like to hang out in the woods, under logs, or in old buildings.
Lots of the empty houses and shacks in Appalachia are places where opossums might be.
Opossums usually don’t pick fights, but they could lash out if you get in their face.
Fallout 76 Opossum Locations
Opossums frequently spawn in abandoned areas around the map.
Those locations include forests, old buildings and other areas behind pieces of equipment.
Here is a detailed information on where you can find the Opossums:
1. Flatwoods
- You will find 2 Opossums in the Flatwood.
- Head straight to the Tavern, and you will find one on the back side of the Tavern.
- You will find another one under the stairs on the other side of the Tavern.
2. Green Country Lodge
- You will find 1 opossum here, which is near the entrance, so you don’t have to put in a lot of effort.

3. East Mountain Lookout Tower
- You will find 2 opossums near the area where you would look for BOS weapons during the Wastelander’s questline.
4. East of White Powder winter sports
- Go Around the Cliff area and search for opossums.
- You will find 4 Opossums in this area.
5. Red Rocket Filling Station
- This area is ashy, and you need to be careful while exploring it.
- Head to the north and reach the trailer.
- You will find 2 Opossums in this area.

The Bottom Line
In conclusion, opossums in Fallout 76 are a survivalist resource scattered across Appalachia.
You will find them in various locations, such as the Flatwoods, Red Rocket Filling Station, etc.
Hopefully, with the help of this article, you won’t miss out on any Opossum around the game.