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OWL Skins Exploit: Access Through Official URLs

Overwatch League (OWL) is used to celebrate the Most Valuable Player (MVP) of each season with custom-made MVP skins.

These unique skins honor exceptional players and have become a cherished tradition for fans.

However, after just three MVP skins, Blizzard discontinued this practice. The last MVP skin was created for Kim ‘Fleta’ Byung-sun.

Continue reading to learn more about how to get OWL Skins to exploit and their risks and rewards.

Is OWL MVP Skins Available Again?

There’s an interesting exploit related to Overwatch League (OWL) Legendary Skins.

These skins were previously released but are now accessible through specific official URLs.

Some players have discovered this hidden method to purchase these skins using OWL credits.

Here are some of the skins you can get:

1. Royal Knight Mercy

 A celestial guardian of the battlefield, Mercy dons the regal armor of the Royal Knights.

Her wings shimmer with ethereal energy, and her staff pulses with healing light.

2. Atlantic All-Stars Reinhardt

Reinhardt’s armor gleams with oceanic hues, representing the Atlantic division’s might.

His hammer strikes with the force of crashing waves, and his shield bears the emblem of unity.

3. Happi Genji

A fusion of tradition and futurism, Genji wears the vibrant Happi robe.

His katana, adorned with neon accents, slices through enemies like a digital tempest.

exploit owl mvp skins
A Reddit post on exploit OWL MVP skins.
Continue reading more about Upgrades In Trials Of Sanctuary and  Story Mode Cancelled in Overwatch 2.

The Risk And The Reward

The intriguing part is that some people have been selling these URLs for large amounts.

The underground market thrives, with whispers of transactions reaching $50 or more per URL.

It’s a gamble that could lead to exclusive skins or empty pockets.

However, take advantage of this opportunity while it lasts, as Blizzard may disable this method soon.

Moreover, remember that the D.Va skin doesn’t come with the bundle for some reason.

Therefore, gather your OWL credits and follow the hidden paths.

Finally, claim your legendary skins before they vanish into the digital ether.

owl skins
Claim your legendary OWL MVP skins before they vanish.

How To Get More Owl Credits?

Earning Overwatch League Tokens (OWL Credits) is essential for acquiring those coveted OWL skins.

1. Connect Your Account To YouTube

You must link your account to a viewing platform to earn and receive tokens.

If you’re a PC player, use your active account to log in and launch Overwatch.

Console players need to link their accounts to before earning rewards.

Go to YouTube, navigate to “Settings”, and find “Connected Apps” on the left-hand side.

Scroll down, locate the link, and click “Connect”.

2. Watch Live Matches

When the Overwatch League is live, look under the broadcast window.

Thus, if you see a diamond logo that says “Connected”, your account is correctly linked.

For every hour of viewing, you earn five Overwatch League tokens.

Moreover, continue viewing counts, even if you take breaks.

So, watch early East region games, and your time accumulates for later West games.

3. Remember

Tokens can only be earned during live games; views of Overwatch League VODs won’t count.

Additionally, you can purchase tokens from the store starting at 100 for $5.99.

Continue reading more about Lifeweaver Angel Skin and Reaper Valentines Skin in Overwatch 2.
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