One of the most essential items in Pacific Drive is the workbench.
This allows players to create new parts and tools for their vehicles and themselves.
However, there are different workbenches, each with its requirements and benefits.
Continue reading to learn how to get the different types of workbenchs in Pacific Drive.
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Workbench In Pacific Drive
The workbench is a device that allows you to craft and upgrade various parts for your car in Pacific Drive.
Moreover, the workbench in Pacific Drive helps you customize and improve your car’s performance, durability, and versatility.
There are different workbenches, such as basic, advanced, and corrupted.
However, they require different materials and energy sources to use.

1. The Basic Workbench
The basic workbench is the first tool you can use to craft and upgrade parts for your car in Pacific Drive.
You can get the basic workbench from the Friendly Dumpster at Oppy’s Auto Shop after you complete the first drive.
The basic workbench requires 1x Fabric and 0.4 Stable Energy to unlock at the Fabrication Station.
You can find Fabric in various locations, such as houses, shops, and cars.
You can collect Stable Energy by placing anchors in the ARC device on your car.
2. The Advanced Workbench
The advanced workbench is an upgrade to the regular workbench.
It lets you craft advanced materials and tools that have not been available before.
To get the advanced workbench, you need to meet the following requirements:
- Unlock the Matter Deconstructor in the Garage tab of the Fabrication Station.
- Research Steel Sheet in the Refine tab of the Fabrication Station.
- Scan a Hot Dust anomaly in the Zone.
- Collect 4x Steel Sheet, 5x Gas Cylinder, 7x Electronics, 10x Copper Wire, and 1.5x Unstable Energy.
Once you have all the prerequisites, you can craft the advanced workbench in the Survival Tools tab of the Fabrication Station.
You can then place it in your garage or your car’s trunk.
The advanced workbench requires 1x Fabric and 0.6x Unstable Energy to use.

3. The Corrupted Workbench
The corrupted workbench is a rare and risky tool that allows you to craft and upgrade parts for your car using corrupt energy.
It is a volatile and dangerous form of energy found in the game’s deep Zone.
The corrupted workbench can create powerful and unique parts but also has a chance of failing or causing adverse effects.
To get the corrupted workbench, you need to meet the following requirements:
- Unlock the Experimental Charging Station in the Garage tab of the Fabrication Station.
- Research Carbonfiberglass in the Refine tab of the Fabrication Station.
- Scan a Corrupt Dust anomaly in the Deep Zone.
- Collect 6x Carbonfiberglass, 8x ThermoSap Crystal, 10x Electronics, 12x Copper Wire, and 2x Corrupt Energy.
Once you have all the prerequisites, you can craft the corrupted workbench in the Survival Tools tab of the Fabrication Station.
You can then place it in your garage or your car’s trunk.
The corrupted workbench requires 1x Fabric and 0.8x Corrupt Energy to use.