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Palworld Assembly II Line Not Working: How To Use And Craft It?

Recently, some Palworld players have started complaining that their Assembly Line II structure is not working in the game.

So they have raised many queries about this issue in discussion forums like Reddit and Steam.

But players found out later that their Assembly line was completely fine as they got confused between two similar structures.

Continue reading this article to learn why the Assembly line is not working in Palworld.

Assembly Line In Palworld

Palworld is an immersive game that requires players to craft various items to survive.

As players level up, they must upgrade their items at a faster pace to face stronger monsters.

The best way to speed up item-crafting in Palworld is by crafting an Assembly Line structure.

Assembly Line In Palworld
Players can unlock the Assembly Line In the Technology chart in Palworld.

Specifically, players can locate this structure in the Technology section across various levels.

However, players must place a Power Generator to use it as it runs using electricity.

Also, players can unlock a variety of Assembly Line tiers as they level up in the game.

Upgrading these structures to higher levels ensures an even faster production rate of items.

Read more about how to wake up and how to collect Mind Control Meds in Palworld.

Assembly Line II Not Working Issue n Palworld 

Currently, players are very confused as their Assembly Line II is not working in the game.

Players have reported that the Assembly Line displays ‘locked‘ even after placing it on the ground.

Additionally, they cannot craft new production items even after placing the structure as they believed it was bugged.

Assembly line not working in Palworld
Players discussing why Assembly Line II is not working.

However, this issue is not related to any bugs but to confusion about the type of Assembly Line.

Specifically, there are two types of Assembly line II(Weapons and Items) after players exceed level 30.

The first assembly line II structure that unlocks at level 32 is for the ammunition line.

However, many players thought that it was for the Itemsbased line as the game does not name it properly.

Therefore, players must reach level 42 to unlock Assembly Line II for item production.

How To Craft An Assembly Line II?

Assembly Line II in Palworld ensures that players can craft weapons and other items at a faster pace.

Hence, it is suggested that players build one by using the following resources:

  • 100 Ingots
  • 50 Wood
  • 20 Nails
  • 10 High-Quality Pal Oil

Players must place a Primitive Furnace from the Technology section to unlock the Ingot recipe.

After making some ingots, players must use the Crafting Bench to make a bunch of Nails.

However, the High-Quality Pal Oil is the hardest to get as players must defeat high-level Pals for it.

Finally, players can easily collect Wood by using a simple Axe anywhere on the map.

How To Use An Assembly Line In Palworld?

The description of the Assembly Line reads that it requires a source of electricity to power up.

Hence, players must capture some electrictype Pals called Sparkit from Small Settlement.

In doing so, players will get a chance to collect the Electric Organ that is required for Power Generators.

Specifically, players must collect 50 Ingots and 20 Electric Organs to build a Power Generator.

Players can unlock and find this structure at the first slot of level 26 in the Technology chart.

Usking Sparkit for Assembly line
Using Sparkit to power up the Power Generator for the Assembly line II.

Then, they must craft this structure from the Infrastructure section on the build menu.

Finally, players must assign Sparkit to the Power Generator to generate electricity for the Assembly Line.

Continue reading to explore Dungeon Reset and Furnace Not Working in Palworld.
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