Sepulcher Attunement is part of the quest in Destiny 2 Season of the Witch Queen, The Bladed Path.
It requires you to choose the Void element and then complete the Sepulcher Lost Sector in Savathun’s Throne World.
This article will discuss the Bladed path and how you can perform the Sepulcher Attunement.
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What Is The Bladed Path In Destiny 2?
The Bladed Path is the seasonal quest of Season of Witch Queen, which can take several weeks to complete.
However, there are 51 steps, and only some will be released weekly.
Players were given four steps for the first week and eight for the Second week.
The steps in week one include;
- Step 1: Conquer powerful combatants and tithe strength to Eris Morn in Mission: Invoke.
- Step 2: Visit the holoprojector in the H.E.L.M.
- Step 3: Again, visit the radio in the H.E.L.M.
- Step 4: Eris Morn will contact you when she has further need of your tithes. So continue Building your powers.
In addition, for week two, players have gained interest in the Sepulcher Attunement step, which takes place in step 9 of the week two quests.
How To Start The Sepulcher Attunement Step?
First, players must complete the first week’s four steps of “The Bladded Path” and return to the HELM Space.
Here is the week two quest step you should complete to unlock the Speulcher Attunement step;
- Speak With Eris Morn in the H.E.L.M.

- Then, listen to the story of Eris’s past; however, you can skip it.
- In this Step, you must head to the Ritual Table and Attun an Element.

- So, Attuning an element will change a few things, such as which element type you must kill an enemy with and the lost sector you must do in the throne world.
- However, the objective is the same regardless of your chosen element.

- Therefore, if players choose the void element, it sets the location of the Sepulcher Lost Sector.
- After selecting the element, players must kill enemies with the selected element within Savathun’s Throneworld or Savathun’s Activities.
- Finally, players will be given the Sepulcher Annulment task, and they must attune with the hive elemental runes in the Sepulcher Lost Sector of Savathun’s throne world.

How To Complete The Sepulcher Attunement Task?
The objective is the same for any element the player selects: To attune with the hive elemental runes.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to completing the Sepulcher Annulment Task or the 9th step of the Blade Path.
- Travel to the Quagmire in Savathun’s Threome World.
- Then, head towards the Florescent Canal to find the Sepulcher Lost sector.

- Kill all the enemies in the first room, as they prevent you from finding all the runes.
- Then, you will find the first hive rune hidden between the two statues as you clear the enemies.
- After following the pathway to your right and entering the next room, turn around, and you will see the second Hive rune at the top of the door.
- As you enter the next area, take a right, and the third Rune will be on a wall before the altar.

- You will find the fourth rune hidden at the left side of the top left pillar in the middle of the room.

- From the pillar, jump over to the middle of the platform, and you will find a rune in the hidden small room at the top left corner of the platform.

- Then, shoot all the hive runes with the void element weapon. Invoke the Hive magic circle in the room to unlock the Destiny 2 Void attunement and complete the step.
The Bottom Line
Sepulcher Annulment is one of the Bladed Sword’s tasks, which helps unlock the void attunement.
Furthermore, it is only available if players select the void element in the ritual table.
In contrast to other Annulment tasks, this is mostly easy and fast to complete.
Hopefully, this article helped you to know about the Sepulcher Attunement and how to complete it.