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What Is Divine Punishment In The First Descendant?

The First Descendant is a looter and shooter cooperative action game.

The game has many different varieties of weapons, and the divine punishment is the one.

Divine Punishment is a gold-grade weapon in the First Descendant. The weapon is useful for debuffing enemies and buffing your character as well as your allies.

Here we will discuss the details of the weapon’s Divine punishment and more.

Weapons In The First Descendant

There are multiple types of weapons in The First Descendant.

In addition, the new installment of the game has introduced gold-grade weapons.

The gold-grade weapons have more benefits than you think.

Here are some features of the gold-grade weapons.

  1. The gold-grade weapons are obtained by a crafting process similar to characters.
  2. These weapons are first-level, and you can increase the levels and upgrade them.
  3. Their strength can be further increased through the crafting process.

There are many gold-grade weapons. Some of them are:

  1. Afterglow Sword
  2. Restored Relic
  3. Thunder Cage
  4. The Last Dagger
  5. Nazeista’s Devotion
  6. Smithereens
  7. Divine Punishment
  8. Blue Beetle
  9. Greg’s Reversed Fate
  10. Clairvoyance

Therefore, Divine Punishment is one of the gold-grade weapons.

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What Is The Divine Punishment?

Divine Punishment is a powerful weapon with many benefits.

In addition, the weapon is automatic in nature.

Furthermore, the weapon provides the character with various buffs.

Additionally, the buffs are helpful while supporting yourself or your allies.

Also, the weapon can be useful for debuffing an enemy.

To craft Divine Punishment, you will need Polymer Syncytium, Synthetic Fiber, Nano Tube and a Blueprint.

You can gain the Blueprint from the Growth event: DeadBride for the weapon.

In addition, the Nano Tube and Synthetic Fiber are found through the Growth events Executioner and Devourer, respectively.

Furthermore, you can find the Polymer Syncytium through the Growth event: GraveWalker.

Additionally, you can use the DeadBride quest to gain weapons like Clairvoyance, Enduring Legacy, and Thunder Cage.

How To Level Up Your Weapons?

You can also level up your weapons in the First Descendant.

Leveling up the weapons makes them more powerful and increases their capacity.

For example, leveling up the Divine Punishment helps to increase the enemy debuff it provides.

Here is a step-by-step guide to level up your weapons in the First Descendant.

1. Meet Anais

When you first craft a weapon, the weapon will be at level one.

Anais Divine Punishment First Descendent
Meet Anais to transform your weapons

To be able to upgrade your weapon, meet Anais.

2. Research The Weapon

To level up your weapons faster, use the weapon transmission process.

So, select any one of the weapons with high levels you no longer use.

You can exchange any other low-level weapon’s levels with this high-level weapon.

3. Phase Exchanger

To get the Phase Exchanger, talk to Anais, then click on Research Request.

Then, check the right side of the screen, and click on Enhancement Material.

Phase Exchanger
Purchase the Phase Exchanger to be able to level up your weapon

You will have two options there: one Phase Exchanger costs 6,000 gold.

Phase Exchanger Complete
Phase Exchanger research time completed

And, 5x Phase Exchanger costs 30,00o gold with a 1 hour and 12 minutes research time.

After the research time is completed, make sure to take the Phase Exchanger.

Phase Exchanger Again
The Phase Exchanger can help to transform the level of your weapon

The Phase Exchanger is a crucial element in exchanging weapon levels.

4. Use The Workbench

One pro tip before going to the workbench is to use the mailbox.

Check the Mailbox for any weapons with higher level

The mailbox may contain a weapon with a higher level than you already have.

Workbench Divine Punishment First Descendent
The Workbench is useful for the Weapon Level Transmission

Then, go to the workbench and click on Weapon Level Transmission.

5. Level Up The Weapons

Now, choose one weapon with a high level you longer want to use.

Then, choose the weapon whose level you want to increase.

Use one weapon you no longer use and the weapon you want to level up

After that, click on Weapon Level Transmission and Confirm.

Weapon Level Transmission
Weapon Level Transmission is complete

Finally, your weapon can go from lower to higher in a matter of minutes.

Additionally, the weapon’s DPS level increases significantly.

The Bottom Line

The First Descendant has multiple varieties of weapons. Divine Punishment is one of the gold-grade weapons.

In addition, the weapon helps buff your allies and yourself and debuff your enemies.

In First Descendant, you can increase the level of your weapons quickly.

Doing so makes the weapon more powerful, and the DPS level increases.

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