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How To Complete Tug Of War In Coral Island?

The Tug Of War in Coral Island is a minigame found during the Beach Cleanup Festival.

It is part of the Beach Cleanup Day festival, where 2 sides of players pull the rope towards each other.

To complete the Tug of War, go to the Beach where the Beach Cleanup Festival is being celebrated and register yourself in the Tug of War registration section. 

Continue reading more about completing Tug of war in Coral Island.

What Is A Tug Of War In Coral Island?

Tug of war is a lively and entertaining event where virtual residents gather to showcase their strength.

The creators designed this mini-contest and the Swimming Contest to enhance the Beach Cleanup event.

Beach Festival
Players can enter the mini game in This is the Beach Cleanup Festival.

You can only participate in this contest once; it will not be available after participating.

Therefore, make sure to read instructions carefully and learn to tug as you will get a manual of controls.

Continue reading more about the best items from the Harvest Festival and Winter Festival in Coral Island.

Where To Register For Tug OF War In Coral Island?

After you reach the beach with the Beach Cleanup Festival, go towards the watery part and search for a Tug of War registration.

Once you reach the beach, search for a banner and a table made of wood found in the water part.

The banner says Tug of War registration and there you can register yourself to play Tug of War.

Placed separately from other mini-games, it offers a practice option for you to hone your skills before participating.

Location Of Registration
This is where you can register your seat for the Tug of War in Beach Festival.

Ways To Complete Tug Of War In Coral Island

After your registration, you will automatically head toward the place where the Tug of War is happening.

You will be given some instruction before you start and make sure to read it as it includes controls to tug. 

Ways to complete the Tug of War are as follows:

1. Registration

Firstly registration is a must as you won’t be able to participate if you are not registered for a mini-game.

Moreover, before entering the contest, you can learn How To Tug or Practice the game.

2. Learn To Tug

If you want to pull the rope, you must press Space/ A repeatedly.

The in-game character’s strength determines how much the rope will be pulled on your side as you press more.

how to tug
Follow this instruction to complete the contest in Tug of War.

3. Monitor Strength And Energy

The main key to winning the contest is proper monitoring of Energy Efficiency and strength.

Moreover, make sure to check the meter while tugging so that you won’t lack strength and energy.

If you fail to win the Tug of War, you cannot immediately start another contest at the Registration counter.

The Bottom Line

In the world of Coral Island, the Tug of War promises a splash of excitement and enjoyment.

Whether players are diving into the challenges or cheering from the sidelines, this event adds another layer of fun to the gaming experience.

So, participate in the Beach Cleanup Festival and register yourself in Tug of War to participate and win.

Learn more about how to get the Letter To Santa and the Winter Scarf in RS3.
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