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Oceanview Hotel Words Of Power In Alan Wake 2: An Ultimate Guide

There are multiple Words of Power in Oceanview Hotel of Alan Wake 2.

Players can find various numbers of Words of Power all over the game while playing as Alan.

In Oceanview Hotel of Alan Wake 2, players can find three Words of power. Players must explore a bathroom and the ballroom and look out for the collectibles on the ceiling of one of the staircases in the Oceanview Hotel.

This article discusses the Words of Power in Oceanview Hotel of Alan Wake 2.

What Are Words Of Power In Alan Wake 2?

Words of Power are a form of collectibles that players can find all over the areas in the game.

The collectibles are unique because they interact only with Alan rather than the FBI agent Saga.

There are a total of seven Words of Power that players can collect currently in the game.

Whenever players find one of the Words of power, Alan will obtain a point to upgrade Alan’s ability.

Thus, working to find all the Words of Power is a great way to make Alan stronger early on.

However, players may find the exploration portion for the Words of Power a hassle.

But, it is worth it since you get to become stronger as you obtain each Words of Power.

Continue reading to explore the Subway Question Mark and the Circuit Board in Alan Wake 2.

Words Of Power Location In Oceanview Hotel Alan Wake 2

In the Oceanview Hotel, players can find three Words of Power.

This is one of the best early areas to obtain the Words of Power since it allows players to get stronger early on in the game.

Here is a guide on finding all the Words of Power in Ocean View Hotel in Alan Wake 2:

1. Word Of War

Players must first head to Room 224 of the hotel. Here they will find a bathroom behind a form of false wall.

Shoot the wall down, enter the bathroom and shine your light on the wall, and finally, you will find the Word of War.

Oceanview hotel words of power 1
Head to room 224 to find the word of war.

2. Word Of Stuff

Players must head to the Ballroom of the hotel. Here they will notice a yellow pointing towards the ceiling of the bar.

Then, on the bar’s ceiling, if the players shine their light, they will see the Words of Power.

Correctly positioning the light on the ceiling will give them the Word of stuff.

words of power in ballroom bar
Head to the ballroom bar for word of stuff.

3. Word Of War

Players must head to the second-floor hallway. Then, from there, they must look through the window above the door.

The players will see the ceiling of the stairwell from this perspective. Then, they must shine the light toward the ceiling.

This will show the Words of Power and give the players the word of war.

Obtaining the Words of Power will allow players to upgrade the skills that Alan can use.

The upgrades will also allow players to get stronger and complete a good amount of the storyline with ease.

Oceanview hotel third words of power
Head to the second-floor hallway for the last Words of Power.

The Bottom Line

Words of Power are an excellent way for players to get stronger and even explore areas they would not in normal conditions.

Furthermore, as the story progresses, players can obtain more Words of Power to get even stronger and better in the game.

Hopefully, this article can guide you in finding all the Words of Power in Oceanview Hotel in Alan Wake 2.

Continue reading to explore the Kalevala Puzzle and Sheriff Breaker’s location in Alan Wake 2.
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