Alan Wake 2 is a survival horror game that follows the story of Alan Wake, a writer who has been trapped in a dark dimension for years.
In his quest to escape, he writes a horror story featuring an FBI agent named Saga Anderson, who investigates a series of ritualistic murders.
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What Is The Subway Question Mark In Alan Wake 2?
The subway question mark is a point of interest that indicates a hidden scene that you can edit using the Writer’s Room and the Plot Board.
The Writer’s Room is a portable device that allows you to access the Plot Board, where you can change the scenes of your story.
By editing the scenes, you can alter the environment, unlock new paths, and discover secrets.
How To Find The Question Mark Locations In Alan Wake 2?
There are many question mark locations that can be seen on the map of the subway in Alan Wake 2.
Here are the steps to find the locations of the subway question mark in Alan Wake 2:
1. Find The Subway Map
First, you need to find the subway station map, which is located near the station’s entrance.
There, you will hear a humming sound follow it, and you will see Tim Breaker and talk to him.
However, right next to him is a wooden board that contains the map of the subway.
Interact with the map to add it to your inventory and check it anytime by pressing M on your keyboard or accessing the Writer’s Room.
2. Explore The Subway
Next, you must explore the subway station and look for clues and inspiration.
Furthermore, you will encounter enemies, puzzles, and collectibles.
Similarly, you will find Words of Power, glowing words that grant you special abilities when activated.
Furthermore, there are 10 Words of Power hidden in the subway.
These are Word of Lamp, Word of Aid, Word of Gun, Word of War, Word of Power, Word of Fix, Word of Lamp, Word of Gun, Word of Action and Word of Fix.
Likewise, these can be found hidden inside a wood, on a wall or on a floor throughout the subway.
3. Use Murder Cult Inspiration
Eventually, you will reach the End of the Line section, where you will see a Plot Board and a wall of pages.
Furthermore, use the Murder Cult inspiration on the Plot Board to edit the scene.
Afterward, this will turn the area red and reveal an Echo above the wall of pages.
An Echo is a voice recording of Alex Casey, Alan’s fictional detective character.
Listen to the Echo to unlock a new inspiration called Summoning Ritual.
4. Go To The End Of The Line
Change the End of the Line scene to Summoning Ritual on the Plot Board.
Then, go back across the track, through the water, and follow the map to find a shortcut to the Collapsed Tunnel section.
After reaching there, you will see another Plot Board and Writer’s Room.
5. Use The Summoning Ritual Inspiration
Use the Summoning Ritual inspiration on the Plot Board in the Collapsed Tunnel section.
This will trigger an attack by the Dark Presence, an evil force that chases you throughout the game.
Run away from it through an open train carriage and exit through a door at the end.
Afterward, return to the Collapsed Tunnel section, which will now be cleared of debris.
Furthermore, proceed through the open passage before Dark Presence gets you.
After entering through the open passage, it will then be blocked by the debris.
The Bottom Line
The subway question mark in Alan Wake 2 is one of the many mysteries and challenges you will face in this game.
By using your creativity and intuition, you can edit your story and shape your destiny.
However, be careful of your writing, as some scenes may have unforeseen consequences.