Spending in-game currency in Brawl Stars enables players to acquire the super-rare Dynasty Mike skin.
The skin came out with the new Season 24, Sands of Time, along with tons of other brawlers’ skins.
Moreover, the skin is portrayed as a “dirty, wealthy gemmer” with Dyamike holding a treasure.
Read more to know what Dynasty Mike Skin is, what attack animation is introduced by Dyamike, and more.
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Dynasty Mike Brawl Stars: Filthy Wealthy Gemmer
The Dynasty Mike Skin for Dynamike is one of the coolest skins in the game.
When equipped, Dyanmike literally throws gems that blast just like his normal attack with bombs.

This season, the Sands of Time skins draw inspiration from the mystical allure of ancient civilizations and their timeless tales.
The Dynasty Mike Skin comes in a bundle, you receive:
- Dynasty Mike Skin
- Diamond Player Icon
- Dynamike holding a gem spray
Who Is Dynamike? Why Did He Get Jewel Skin?
Dynamike, a Super Rare Brawler, excels with formidable damage output despite his relatively low health.
His primary offensive tactic involves lobbing dynamite projectiles, inflicting considerable damage within a moderate range around the explosion’s epicenter.

Moreover, his Super ability launches a massive dynamite barrel, causing substantial damage to foes and forcefully pushing them backward upon impact.
However, the jewel skin for Dynamike is a representation of his character in the game and his voice lines.
He always says “Down the mine” and the developers of Brawl Stars gave the treasure reward of his hard work mining.
How To Get Dynasty Mike Skin In Brawl Stars?
There are multiple ways to get rewards in Brawl Stars, from Daily freebies to Star drops, Brawl Stars has been kind to its player base.
Moreover, this season introduces an even better way to claim rewards with the introduction of Ranked mode.
Rank Mode replacing the former Power League has been into effect in Brawl Stars and the increase in the player base of the game says half of it all.

Furthermore, in addition to the regular rewards, players can grab Epic, Mythic, and even Legendary items while engaging in Ranked Matches.
There are multiple ways to acquire the Dynasty Mike Skin in Brawl Stars:
1. Ranked Match
By winning ranked matches you can get a star drop which drops Epic and above items.

Moreover, players have received the skin of Dynamike upon reaching Bronze III, while some complained that they haven’t received it even after reaching Gold or Diamond.
2. Spending Gems
Players can acquire skins in Brawl Star by spending in-game gems.
Gems can be earned by playing the game and completing the quests, or they can also be bought in-game.
Moreover, the Dynasty Mike skin is priced at 149 gems in the game’s shop.
To buy the skin using gems follow the steps below:
- Go to the in-game Shop
- Scroll or Click the Cosmetic Section of the store
- Click on Browse Collection in the Catalog section
- In the Brawler selection, click on Dynamike
- Select Dynasty Mike and buy the skin.