Finding the location of the Poodle in GTA online is one of the challenges of the Wildlife Photography contest.
You can unlock the Wild Life photography challenge after completing the Paparazzo mission for Beverly in GTA.
Continue reading to learn how to find the poodle location in Grand Theft Auto Online.
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What Is Shoot Animal Photography In GTA?
Shoot Animals Photography is a challenge of Daily Collectibles Event in GTA online that is getting a lot of hype after its release.
Furthermore, this photography challenge is a daily event available for players on the Xbox series and PS5.
To complete the Shoot Animals photography event, you must locate and photograph 3 random animals.
You can find the animals to take their picture if you wander around Los Santos and Blaine country.
The exciting part about this photography event is earning $20,00 and 500 RP per picture you take.

In addition, you will get a bonus of $40,00 and 5000 RP when you complete taking photographs of each animal on the list.
You can find various animals around Los Santos and Blaine Country.
The animals are boar, cat, chicken, cow, coyote, crow, deer, great cormorant, hen, mountain lion, pig, Poodle, pug, rabbit, seagull, etc.
Even though you only need to photograph three animals to complete the challenge, finding all awaits bigger rewards.
Find The Location Of The Poodle In GTA Online
A poodle is a fancy dog breed that is small in size and belongs to the land animal class.
Furthermore, the scientific name for the Poodle is Canis lupus Familiarise, and photographing it is part of a wildlife photography challenge.
You can find the Poodle when you look around in Burton, Del Perro Beach, and Vinewood Boulevard in GTA online.

In addition, as a poodle belongs to a dog breed, you cannot hunt it down in the game.
The rule for the photography contest is you cannot hunt these animals, as they need to be photographed alive.
Where To Find The Poodle In GTA?
Finding the location of the Poodle to take its picture is crucial to getting the title of Cryptozoologist Achievement.
When you successfully take photographs of all the animals on the wildlife list, it will unlock the special Kraken Sub.

Furthermore, Kraken Sub is a submarine that will allow you to do underwater adventures in GTA online.
For this, go to the bottom left of the map to the Rockford hills of Los Santos to find the Poodle.
In addition, you can find it alongside the street of the rich area, sitting next to a man.
How To Take A Picture Of The Poodle?
Turn on your camera, zoom it into the Poodle, and take its picture to tick one of the boxes in the challenge.
To successfully photograph the Poodle in GTA, you must ensure it is in the full frame.
Furthermore, you can capture the snap of the Poodle from any angle, and the animal doesn’t need to look at the camera.
Once you click the picture, you must send it to the LS Tourist Board of GTA online.
If you find the Poodle walking in the game, simply hold r2 to initiate focus lock.
Hence, this will lock the viewfinder focus distance and allow you to recompose your shot easily.
The Bottom Line
The wildlife photography contest in GTA begins with a text message from Beverly Felton saying he has signed you up for the contest.
After you complete the photography challenge, the Los Santos Tourism Board will announce you as the competition winner.
Hence, the photography challenge in GTA Online adds a new form of entertainment to the players.