The Last Alliance Maul in Moria is a weapon players can obtain while exploring the game.
Furthermore, they must obtain two of its parts to craft the weapon and then use it.
This article discusses the Last Alliance Maul and a potential bug with it.
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What Is The Last Alliance Maul In Moria?
The Last Alliance Maul is a piece of equipment that players can obtain in the Return to Moria game.
The item plays a pivotal role in going up against the Bolgakh boss in the game.
Furthermore, during the boss fight players can also equip other items to defeat the boss.
However, before going up against the boss, players must obtain the Last Alliance Maul.
To obtain the weapon, players must head to the Mines of Moria.
They can reach the area after going through the elven territory in the game.

How To Obtain The Last Alliance Maul In Moria?
As mentioned above, players can find the Last Alliance Maul in Mines of Moria.
However, there is a catch to obtaining the weapon and then using it for yourself.
The catch is that you must first find the crafting pieces for the maul.
This means players must craft the weapon themselves rather than the game handing it to them.
Furthermore, obtaining the parts is not that easy either. The players must find various statues all over the mines that are destroyed.

Then, they must repair the statues to obtain the Last Alliance Maul pieces.
This is an excellent method of making players explore the various areas in the game and make it rewarding.
Furthermore, there are two parts to the Last Alliance Maul.
Thus, players must obtain both parts of the weapon by repairing the statues in Mines of Moria.
Is The Last Alliance Maul Bugged In Moria?
Yes! Currently, there is a bug with the Last Alliance Maul in the game.
The bug does not allow the second part of the maul to spawn from the statues.
Furthermore, certain players claim they cannot even obtain the first or the second piece of the maul, either.
This bug is quite game-breaking because the Last Alliance Maul is one of the best weapons against the boss, Bolgakh.
Moreover, players deny that there is a bug with acquiring the maul.
This is mainly because certain players could acquire the maul without any issues whatsoever.
However, most players are putting out various forum posts suggesting a bug with the acquisition method of the Last Alliance Maul.
Solution To The Last Alliance Maul Bug
Even though there is a bug with the Last Alliance Maul, there is a roundabout way of obtaining it.
Players can party up with other players and then teleport to their world.
This will allow the players to enter a different instance of the Mines of Moria.
After entering this new instance, they can repair the destroyed statues in the mines and obtain the pieces of the Last Alliance Maul.
This is one of the best solutions for this bug currently since the developers have yet to patch out the issue.
However, players can expect a fix for this bug soon from the developers of the LOTR: Return To Moria.
The Bottom Line
The bug with the Last Alliance Maul is a bit game-breaking but not severe enough to cause massive issues.
However, players must make sure to report such bugs constantly to the developers to get the issue fixed.
Hopefully, this article can guide you in learning about the Last Alliance Maul bug in Moria.