There are a variety of different automated ship weapons available in Starfield, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.
When choosing automated ship weapons, players should consider the type of ship they are using and the type of enemies.
Continue reading more to explore how to get automated ship weapons in Starfield.
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What Are Automated Ship Weapons In Starfield?
You can install automated ship weapons on your ship in Starfield.
They are different from fixed weapons, which require manual aiming and firing.
Generally, they can fire automatically at any hostile ship within their range and arc of fire without needing your input or crew.
They can do more damage and have a higher crit chance against targeted subsystems.
Especially, if you have the Automated Weapon Systems skill.

However, they cannot prioritize your selected target and will switch targets based on their proximity.
They are less accurate and have a lower rate of fire than fixed weapons unless you have the Automated Weapon Systems skill.
Generally, they require power to operate and will stop firing during the power depletion or cut-off.
How To Get Automated Ship Weapons In Starfield?
To get automated ship weapons in Starfield, you have two options:
1. Buy Pre-Built Ship
You can buy a pre-built ship that has automated turrets installed.
Additionally, you can find such ships at various galaxy dealers or the Starship Design Center in New Atlantis.
However, pre-built ships are usually more expensive and less customizable than building your ship.

2. Build Your Ship
You can build your ship and add automated turrets as one of the weapon systems.
You must unlock the Automated Weapon Systems skill in the Tech skill tree to do this.
This skill will improve your automated weapons’ damage, accuracy, and crit chance.
Further, it will reduce the cost of using targeting mode.
Requirements To Install The Turrets
You need enough power and space on your ship to install the turrets.
You do not need to do anything manually to fire automated ship weapons.
The turrets will automatically fire at any hostile ship within their range and arc of fire as long as they have power.
Additionally, you can use targeting mode to lock on to specific parts of enemy ships and disable them.
This will increase the damage and crit chance of your automated weapons.
However, you cannot prioritize your target, and the turrets will switch targets based on their proximity.

How To Unlock The Automated Weapon Systems Skill?
To unlock the Automated Weapon Systems skill in Starfield, you need to do the following steps:
1. Spend Skill Points
Spend a total of 12 skill points in the Tech skill tree. This will make the Automated Weapon Systems skill available to learn.
Spend one skill point to learn the first rank of the Automated Weapon Systems skill.
This will give you a 10% damage boost and a 20% cost reduction for your automated ship weapons.
2. The Rank Challenge
Further, complete the rank challenge for each Automated Weapon Systems skill rank.
The rank challenges involve dealing a certain amount of damage to enemy ships with automated turret weapons.
For example, to unlock rank 2, you need to deal 1,000 damage with automated turret weapons.
3. Use Console Command
Alternatively, you can use a console command to add the Automated Weapon Systems skill to your character.
You don’t have to spend skill points or complete rank challenges.
To do this, open the console command window with the apostrophe (‘) or tilde (~) key.
Then, enter the following command: player.addperk 0027B9ED3.
You can repeat this command four times to unlock all four skill ranks.
To remove the skill, you can use the command: player.removeperk 0027B9ED.

The Bottom Line
Automated ship weapons have advantages and disadvantages compared to fixed weapons, which require manual aiming and firing.
They are suitable for players who want to focus on piloting and maneuvering their ship rather than aiming and shooting.
They are also helpful for larger ships with more power and space to accommodate them.
However, they are impractical for precise targeting and sniping.
You do not need to do anything manually to fire automated ship weapons.
However, you can also use targeting mode to lock on to specific parts of enemy ships and disable them.