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Twilight Keepers Skull And Bones: Complete Mission Guide

In Skull and Bones, players come across the Twilight Keepers contract, which is about doing a favor to Admiral Rahma.

Players can get exciting rewards and valuable weapons for battles after completing the Twilight Keepers contract.

However, more than a contract for rewards, Twilight Keepers’s contract has deep meaning to it.

Continue reading to find out more about how to complete the Twilight Keepers’s contract in Skull and Bones.

Twilight Keepers Contract In Skull And Bones

To get to the Twilight keeper’s contract in Skull and Bones, players must first start the tracking of a desperate favour.

Players must make their alliance with Admiral Rahma by helping her in a personal matter.

So players must go to the Rahma residence and meet with Admiral Rahma.

Admiral Rahma will give you the contract of Twilight keepers in Skull and Bones.

The Twilight Keeper contract is about Sultanah’s coffin getting lost on its way to its final resting place.

So, players can complete the Twilight Keepers contract by finding and retrieving Sultanah’s body in Skull and Bones.

After finding the Sultanah’s coffin, she can get a proper burial in Skull and Bones which eventually completes the contract.

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How To Complete Twilight Keepers In Skull And Bones?

The DMC executed the Sultanah at dusk due to Admiral Rahma provoking the DMC.

Furthermore, the DMC sent the dead body of Sultanah to Rahma, but it went missing on its way to burial.

A ship with Admiral Rahma’s Unbound crew left with the dead body to the Sunny Capital at dawn but they didn’t return.

So, Admiral Rahma takes this war as a personal issue and now hires you to find the dead body of Sultanah with the Twilight keepers contract.

1. Twilight Keepers: Search For The Unbound Crew

The first step to complete the Twilight keepers contract is to head to the Unbound convoys to look for clues.

On the way, you will encounter a DMC patroller ship in the ocean.

So sink the DMC patroller by attacking the surviving Unbound fleet.

After this step, you will get the orders from Van Kinckel for your cargo.

Hence, read the orders to learn more about the missing Unbound convoy.

Battles during twilight keepers mission in Skull and Bones
During the search for the unbound crew, players must engage in battles with a lot of DMC patrollers to complete the Twilight Keepers contract.

After reading the orders, you must search for the Unbound crew around the Ruined Lighthouse, which is in the Eastern Gate Sea.

When you enter the Naga Sea in Skull and Bones you will encounter more DMC patroller ships.

You must sink one of the DMC patroller ships and hijack the other one in the Naga Sea for loot.

Next, you must also take down the third DMC ship you encounter in the Naga Sea and investigate for the Unbound crew body.

2. Deliver The Sultanah’s Coffin To Sunny Capital

To find and reclaim the Sultanah’s coffin, you must send your crew into Dosten Capital and weaken its defences.

As players enter the Naga Coast they will reach the Dosten Capital in Skull and Bones.

The Plunder starts as soon as players reach the Dosten Capital in the game.

So players must seek refuge in Kelelawar Chamber to survive the plunder.

In addition, players must also sail through the shallows to quickly evade the DMC and take down the ship on their way.

Complete Twilight Keepers Contract in Skull and Bones
To complete the Twilight Keepers contract players must retrieve Sultanah’s coffin and deliver it to Sunny Capital.

After evading the DMC, players must disengage from combat and seek refuge in the Kelelawar Chamber.

The undiscovered island is the Kelelawar chamber so get down from the ship to explore the Kelelawar.

Next players must find and deliver the Sultanah’s gilded coffin to Sunny Capital.

Hence, after delivering Sultanah’s gilded coffin to the Sunny Cpatial, the Twilight Keepers contract will be completed.

Rewards For Completing The Twilight Keepers Contract

After completing the Twilight Keepers contract in Skull and Bones, players can get various rewards.

Players can earn 2100 silver coins, which they can use for trade and commerce in Skull and Bones.

Similarly, players also get Tearing Culverin II as a reward for the completion of the quest.

Tearing Culverin II is a versatile cannon that has good damage, range, and reload speed.

Hence, Tearing Cukverin II is a valuable weapon that helps to progress by winning battles in the game.

You can tear down enemy sails and make them immobile with the help of this catastrophic cannon.

In addition, Tearing Culverin II increases damage by 50% when hitting sails in Skull and Bones.

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