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Does The Hylian Shield Respawn?

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is gaining popularity among youngsters keen to achieve the reward.

Link uses the Hylian Shield in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom to save himself from the enemy’s attacks and perilous climate.

Hylian Shield protects you from enemy attacks and climatic hazards. Players in the Tears of The Kingdom can respawn the Hylian Shield by accomplishing the Mayoral Election quest. 

Let’s continue reading about what more you should accomplish to respawn the Hylian Shield in detail.

What Is Hylian Shield?

Hylian Shield is an indestructible legendary Shield that will help you survive your adventures in Tears of the Kingdom.

It is located in the Docks below Hyrule Castle at the coordinates (-0161, 1159, 0037)

The Hylian Shield is the most robust in the game, with 90 defenses and 800 durability.

It is used for various purposes, including reflecting projectiles, making it a valuable tool for players.

Players can protect themselves from enemy attacks, reflect projectiles, and block environmental hazards.

What Damages The Hylian Shield?

Hylian Shield is damaged with its utilization while defeating enemies and environmental hazards such as lightning and Fire. 

Hylian Shield, similar to the White Sword of the Sky, keeps losing its durability when used several times.

This Shield tends to damage when brought to the highest number of damages.

Similarly, the Fuse weapons having a higher damage rate than Hylian Shield reduces its durability.

Additionally, this Shield has gloom effects which reduce the durability of other Shields.

How To Respawn The Hylian Shield?

Once the Hylian Shield breaks, it can reappear like Fierce Deity Swords in the Legend of Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom.

Follow the steps below to regain the Hylian Shield after it breaks.

Step 1: Team Cece Or Team Reede Quest

  1. You should navigate towards the Hateno Village. Once the commotion is cleared, approach the Armor shop and step inside.
Hateno Village Location
Location of the Hateno Village.
  1. Afterward, you will see Cece inside the shop, and speak to her. It is also known as the Team Cece or Team Reede Quest.
team cece or team reede
Talk to Cece in the Team Cece or Team Reede Quest.
  1. Later, Cece handovers eight shrooms; you must distribute them to 8 different villages.
8 Hylian Shroom
Cece offers you 8 Hylian Shrooms.

After you distribute them, return back to Cece; this completes the Team Cece or Team Reede quest.

Step 2: Cece’s Secret Quest

  1. Talk to Cece’s sister outside the Armor shop and hide around the corner till 10 pm.
At The Corner Of The Armor Shop
Hide around the Corner of the Armor Shop till 10 pm.
  1. Follow the Cece into the Silo after 10 pm, climb through the top window and watch a small cutscene.
looking through the top window
Watching the cutscene through the top of the window.
  1. When the cutscene plays, go back and talk to Sophie outside the Armor shop. This ends Cece’s Secret.
completion of cece's secret
Cece’s Secret is completed.

Step 3: Reede’s Secret Quest

  1. First, head towards Reede’s Home and find Reede’s wife.
  2. Then, go down and move left. Using the paraglider go inside the Hateno Village West Well.
Hateno Village Well west
Dive into The Hateno Village Well West.
  1. You are under the small shed, use ascend; you’ll see the book on the counter, which you must read.
Book on the counter
Read the book on the counter.
  1. Come out of the door and talk to the Reede’s Wife. This ends the quest Reede’s Secret.
completion of reede's secret
The completion of Reede’s Secret.

Step 4: A Signature Food Quest

Reede will give you the food after you go inside and talk to him. After you talk to him, go back to Hateno Pastures.

Follow the steps below after you reach Hateno Pastures;

  1. You’ll see a bottle with a letter in the middle of the lake, which is unreachable from the shore.
  2. Next, cut down a few trees with Swords and make it a medium to reach the bottle.
cutting trees
Making a medium to reach the bottle by cutting trees.
  1. Further, use ultra hand to grab the bottle from the lake and place it next to Koyin.
bottle next to koyin
Placing the bottle next to Koyin.
  1. After that, talk to her; she’ll give you special Hateno cheese from her house.
Hateno Cheese
Koyin gives you the Hateno Cheese.
  1. Finally, go back to Reede taking the special Hateno Cheese. This completes the A Letter to Koyin.
completion of A letter to koyin
A Completion of A letter to Koyin.

Step 5: The Mayoral Election Quest

After you complete these four quests, you’ll automatically be directed to Mayoral Election Quest.

The Mayoral Election
The Mayoral Election.
  1. Simply use the paraglider and go down.
  2. Next, talk to Sophie standing in front of the armor shop.
  3. Then, go inside Cece’s shop and talk to her, she’ll give the Cece hat.
Cece Hat
Cece offering the Cece Hat.

After these steps, you’ve come to the end of all questlines.

In the Cece shop, you will find your all-lost armor pieces during your adventures around Hyrule.

Hylian shield at cece shop
The Hylian Shield at Cece’s shop.

Finally, you should pay 3000 rupees to the Cece and can buy the Hylian Shield.

Continue reading to discover how to get Silver Lynels to Spawn and its damage power in Totk.

The Bottom Line

Hylian Shields have excellent stats, making them incredibly difficult to break and resistant to many attacks—including guardian lasers.

However, you can reobtain the Hylian Shield once lost or broken. But, it would be best if you used it wisely per the requirements.

I hope this article has helped you acquire and respawn the Hylian Shield in case you break it.

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