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Petrified Girl In Lords Of The Fallen: Save And Get Rewards

Lords of the Fallen offers different interesting quests that keep players engaged in the game.

Likewise, Save the Petrified Girl is one of the quests where you must free a girl turned to stone.

The Petrified Girl in Lords of the Fallen is a character called Kukajin, who was petrified by a sorcerer named Wilmarc, who hired her to protect on a journey to Mournstead.

Continue reading to learn more about the Petrified Girl, how to save her, and the rewards after saving her in Lords of the Fallen.

Who Is Petrified Girl In Lords Of The Fallen?

Kukajin is a mercenary known as the Petrified Girl in the Lords of the Fallen.

She’s a woman who got petrified due to a failed magical experiment.

You can find her in the Forsaken Fen area of the game, and by using a Radiant spell, you can free her.

Once you free her, she will give you a Pendant of Induration and offer to help you as a companion in boss fights.

Therefore, she will fight alongside you in exchange for vigor, a resource used to cast spells and abilities.

kukajin is a powerful companion who can be very helpful in boss fights
Kukajin is a powerful companion who can be very helpful in boss fights.
Continue reading to learn what happens after Defeating Pieta and fixes of the Session No Longer Available issue in Lords of the Fallen.

How To Save The Petrified Girl In Lords Of The Fallen?

To save the Petrified Girl in Lords of the Fallen, follow these steps:

1. Find Forsaken Fen

The Petrified Girl is located in the Forsaken Fen; you must follow the humming sound to a cave to locate her.

Once you find her, she’ll share her backstory and request your help.

2. Radiant Spell

Then, you will need to free her from her petrified state.

You can do this by using a Radiant spell or throwing an Empyrean Grenade at her.

The Sanctify spell is suitable and can be found after defeating the Pieta. Moreover, it requires 18 Radiance and a Radiant Catalyst.

throw an empyrean grenade to free her
Throw an Empyrean Grenade to free her.

3. Talk To The Petrified Girl

Talk to the petrified girl and exhaust all of her dialogue options.

Furthermore, this will unlock the next part of her quest.

4. Rest And Go To Skyrest Bridge

Furthermore, talking to her again will offer to help you as a companion in boss fights.

However, she will fight alongside you in exchange for vigor, a resource used to cast spells and abilities.

Rewards After Saving The Petrified Girl

After saving the Petrified Girl, you’ll receive several rewards, such as:

1. Pendant Of Induration

The Pendant of Induration is a valuable item that increases your magic resistance.

The petrified girl will give it to you, enhancing your Physical Defense and making you more resilient in Battles.

Therefore, this can be very helpful in boss fights, as many bosses use magic attacks.

2. Companion For Boss Fights

She becomes a companion that you can summon for specific boss battles.

Moreover, she provides you with valuable assistance in defeating challenging foes.

She is a skilled warrior with various attacks and can be a valuable asset in battle.

3. Wilmarc’s Catalyst

It is a rare item that can be used to upgrade your Radiant spells.

Radiant spells are a type of magic that is very effective against petrified enemies.

4. Kukajin’s Sword

Continue using her services in battles as you progress through her quest line.

Meanwhile, she’ll leave behind Kukajin’s Sword, a powerful weapon to aid you in your journey.

5. Kukajin’s Armor

Alongside the sword, she’ll provide you with Kukajin’s Armor.

It offers excellent protection and boosts your survivability in battles.

6. Kukajin’s Shield

You’ll also receive a Kukajin’s Shield, a formidable defensive item.

It can be invaluable in blocking enemy attacks and protecting yourself.

The Bottom Line

Kukajin is a powerful companion who can be very helpful in boss fights.

However, it is essential to note that she will not fight for you for free.

Generally, you will have to pay her in vigor after each fight.

The rewards make saving the Petrified Girl worthwhile, enhancing your character’s capabilities and offering valuable items.

Continue reading to learn about agility build and agility weapons and change character in Lords of the Fallen.
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